Thursday, April 30, 2015

4.30.15 Hero of the Day: Toya Graham

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Toya Graham
Age: ??
Occupation: assistant manager of a drug treatment center
Last Seen: Baltimore, MD
Awarded For: being the mother of the year
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that for the past few days, the city of Baltimore has been under fire.

Rioters have been taking to the streets after 25-year-old Freddie Gray died from spinal injuries while in police custody. In a time when black lives do indeed matter, it's a shame that many haven't learned the lessons taught in the 1967 Detroit riots or the Los Angeles riots in 1992, or maybe Baltimore itself in 1968.

Thankfully, one woman has a clue, and she smacked some sense into her son doing so.

Toya Graham is a single mother of six and a grandmother. When she learned that her son Michael had taken to the streets dressed up like a ninja and throwing rocks at police in riot gear, she had to do what any caring mother would ever do: cross the battle lines to stop her son.

In the video that has gone viral, Toya is seen slapping, pushing and cussing out her son. When she saw the 30-second video on TV, she was afraid that her pastor was going to have a fit.

Instead, Jamal Bryant called her "Mom of the Century". Even more, Baltimore's police commissioner commanded her and even the White House approved of her actions.

Graham told CBS News that she simply didn't want to lose her only son the same way as Freddie Gray. She had been monitoring her son's actions, such as dressing up in the same clothes as he did while rioting and the fact that he tried to go out when tensions were high.

Being a mother - especially to six kids - is tough. My grandmother - who turns 86 today - raised seven kids of her own. She battled polio as a kid and always had trouble walking. But she proved that a good mother will always have good children. It's a tough job and sadly, sometimes there will be a few tics in the system. But it's proof that when a son needs to be disciplined, what has to be, has to be.

If the world had more Toya Grahams, the world would be a better place.


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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4.29.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Creflo Dollar

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Creflo Dollar
Age: 53
Occupation: crook
Last Seen: Atlanta, GA
Bee-otched For: blaming the devil for not giving him a plane
A while back, we wrote about megapreacher Creflo Dollar and the fact that he was begging his ministry to tithe him a $65 million jet plane.

Yes, a $65 million jet so he can fly around the world and spread the gospel of Jesus.

In a recent sermon - seen above - Dollar claims that there was one big reason why he didn't get that plane: could it beeeeeeee SATAN?!?!

Yes, Dollar claims that evil spirits prevented him from getting the plane, which would have helped the oddly-named preacher replace his old 1984 GulfStream jet that can no longer fly because it skidded off the runway in London with his wife and daughters on board. Luckily, they weren't hurt, but the plane was pretty banged up. Obviously, the Dollar family wasn't there to "honor God", but probably to go shopping and play around with the money Dollar's suckers give him and his family.

Since the accident, Dollar has been flying commercial like any normal preacher should. Look, folks, I have to fly commercial once a year to see my mother in Phoenix. I did last week. I had to sit through hours of seats that barely reclined, cramped bathrooms, crying little bastards and sitting with total strangers. To me, any fucking so-called man of God should stay humble and fly coach (or at least on Southwest like I did). Hell, I remember hearing another fake preacher, Benny Hinn, flying on the Concorde when it was still in service!

Last week while in Phoenix, I attended a church service with mom, and I felt that the service itself wasn't too bad, although it was a satellite church where the actual sermon was beamed in from the main church itself. On the church bulletin, it mentioned how much money they made during the year - about $8 million - and how much surplus they have, which is about $90,000. I wish the bulletins would talk about how much money the preachers make, how many cars the preachers have, how big their houses are, etc.

If I were to go to church, it would be small and humble. The problem is, is that I used to go to a church that was once small and humble - it was in a guy's house when it started - but when I went there as a teen in the late 90s, it was already seating 300. Then the pastor begged for $1.7 million on a single Sunday to build a new 1,600-seat auditorium and that was the end of that.

I guess the moral is this: right now, I'd rather go to a strip club vs. a church. Is there a good, humble church in Grand Rapids that doesn't preach about forcefeeding the preachers money, blast liberals and gays and yadda, yadda, yadda? Show me. I might even go.

But until then, It's old repeats of American Top 40 and Casey Kasem on Sunday mornings.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4.28.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Comcast

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Name: Comcast
Age: 52
Occupation: media giant from hell
Last Seen: Philadelphia
Bee-otched For: failing at getting bigger
It looks like things won't be getting more Comcastic after all.

The cable giant, which owns everything from NBC to Universal Pictures to USA Network and The Jerry Springer Show just announced that they have terminated the agreement to buy out Time Warner Cable. The deal was reportedly worth $45 billion. If the deal passed, Comcast would have added an additional 11 million subscribers.

When the deal was announced, many were indeed outraged due in part to Comcast's low satisfaction ratings and high rates. Comcast was even criticized for being against net neutrality and even had a lot of people and groups fighting against the merger, such as Minnesota Senator Al Franken, Michigan Congressman John Conyers and even a few cities.

Since the deal was terminated, TWC CEO Rob Marcus was set to get an $80 severance package since his position would be no longer needed. Now, he's stuck at his job and not getting that money. Same goes with CFO Arthur Minson; he was supposed to get $27 million, though.

Meanwhile, Franken wrote a piece for Time Magazine where he tells his readers that we the people and not politicians caused the Comcast-TWC deal to collapse. People held grassroots movements and told our leaders to do their jobs. However, he stated that we need to worry about corporations breaking their promises and the lack of competition.

Where I live, there's only two choices for cable: my apartment's own cable system which only have a tiny handful of channels and Dish Network, which the apartment offers. I had Dish several years ago, but hated paying $90 per month and not having all of the channels I wanted to watch. Since my finances took a hit five years ago thanks to the lack of financial support from my asshole ex-boss and an auto accident, I had no choice but to cut the cord. But guess what? It was for the best. I no longer financially support assholes like Rupert Murdoch or the dipshits in charge at Comcast. I have Chromecast and several websites where I can watch my favorite shows from (and no, I won't share them with you).

Sometimes, it's not politicians that stop bullies, it's us.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Monday, April 27, 2015

4.27.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Brian Klawiter

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Brian Klawiter
Age: 35
Occupation: homophobic auto mechanic
Last Seen: Grandville, MI
Bee-otched For: getting his sorry ass handed to him
To the five people wondering where I was last week, I was on vacation.

While Grand Rapids was suffering through a massive cold burst, I was in sunny Phoenix enjoying 90-degree temps by the pool. But now, I'm back, and GR is still *kinda* cold.

I think it's all coming from DieselTec.

Two weeks ago, the Grandville-based auto shop caused a stir on Facebook when owner Brian Klawiter posted a message stating that his business will not serve gays because of his Christian values. Since his posting, Brian has been thankfully been in a world of much-needed ass hurt.

It's been revealed that Klawiter has had some demons in his closet (and homosexuality may/may not be one of them). In 1998, he was charged with assault and battery, his business isn't even licensed and he hasn't been a licensed mechanic since October 2014, which is illegal in Michigan. In the past week, his business has been vandalized with graffiti that reads "I (heart) nuts!" and his trucks are all littered with male and female symbols. Windows have been smashed and he has received death threats. One of his suppliers, Cummins, supposedly asked him to remove their logo from his website and Facebook page.

Yesterday, Klawiter released another statement on Facebook claiming that his parents abandoned him as a kid and was raised by the system. He was forced to drop out of high school and work in fast food. He basically made this bullshit sob story for people to forgive him and that Jesus is on his side, blah blah blah.

Look, I'm sorry that his childhood sucked worse than most folks, but that's no excuse to hate gays and ban them from his business. He might as well put up a sign that reads "whites only". If he kept his damn mouth shut about his religious views, I probably would have had a pinch of respect for the guy. But I don't, and since I don't have a diesel vehicle, I could care less.

I wonder how long he'll be getting the gas can and matches....


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Thursday, April 16, 2015

4.16.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Brian Klawiter

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Brian Klawiter
Age: 35
Occupation: owner, Dieseltec
Last Seen: Grandville, MI
Bee-otched For: bringing Indiana to Michigan
Even though our state doesn't have the idiotic Religious Freedom Restoration Act that has wreaked havoc in Indiana, one business here in Michigan is pretending that it exists.

Dieseltec, which fixes diesel vehicles in the Grand Rapids suburb of Grandville is under fire because its owner took to Facebook Tuesday to announce that his business does not serve the LGBT community.

The bad grammar-induced statement from Brian Klawiter goes like this:

Enough is enough.

Our rights as conservative Americans are being squashed more and more everyday. Apparently if you are white (or close to it), you have a job, go to church, and own a gun... That translates into racists, privileged, bigot, conspiracy theorist. Too many of us say nothing. Well, freedom of speech isn't just for Liberals, THEY are the ones that need to learn to "co-exist", THEY are the ones who need to WORK to be "equal"

Therefore, in the spirit of freedom (whats left of it) and MY right to operate MY business as I see fit:

Guns ARE allowed at DIESELTEC, so much so in fact that we will offer a discount if you bring in your gun. ("On duty" cops are excluded because thats not their gun, thats my gun bought with my money, off duty absolutely!)

I am a Christian. My company will be run in a way that reflects that. Dishonesty, thievery, immoral behavior, etc. will not be welcomed at MY place of business. (I would not hesitate to refuse service to an openly gay person or persons. Homosexuality is wrong, period. If you want to argue this fact with me then I will put your vehicle together with all bolts and no nuts and you can see how that works.)

We, as a team, work hard for whats ours. We are not protected by unions or contracts. We absolutely MUST provide our customers with a service level that would make them come back or tell their friends about us. We don't have a "right", and we are not "entitled" to our pay. We must EARN it.

I am not racists, you are for assuming I am, however, I am really quick to judge... if it acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

It IS a free country and I support your right to your opinion, that being said, if you don't like what I have to say I reserve that same right to tell you to go cry to your momma (cause your daddy would probably smack ya', better yet, yes, go tell your dad.)

WOW. Just.... Wow.

For a guy who services redneck trucks, it doesn't totally shock me that he would make such an idiotic statement like that. Of course, the comments are quite entertaining. Kate Stewart said "Sorry but YOU are not the one who is allowed to judge people. That would be GOD. Let him do his job and you do yours. Oh wait, with this post you just destroyed your own business so you don't have a job!!" Matt Pankin replied with "This guy doesn't want gays in there because he is afraid he is one. I'm a straight guy but this is an abhorrent individual. He is a true ignorant Christian."

However, Phyllis Jones Harris wrote " I just saw this story on the news. You are awesome. I applaud your courage. Thanks for standing up for Christian morals. God Bless u", but got thrashed by Jonathan Thrasher: "Christian morals? Christianity and Jesus preach LOVE. NOT discrimination. Get your biblical facts straight."

The story of Klawiter's Facebook rant made its way to WOOD-TV 8's 6 p.m. newscast last night, in which he proclaimed that as a Christian, God comes first in his life and that he owns everything. OK, so why is he judging a group of people that are (GASP!) GOD'S PEOPLE?!?!

It's fucked-up assholes like Brian Klawiter who are the reason why people like him are "squashed". They're the ones destroying America by acting stupid and pretending that their shit don't smell. When I think of business owners like him, I think of my ex-boss, who was a Jebus freak like him and felt that he didn't have to give workers a livable wage and gave assholes who stood there on their smartphones while I busted my ass off more money. He was a typical Hollander who pretended to be a Christian while he *reportedly* had one of the largest liquor collections in Kent County at home. It's people like him that make me proud that I don't go to church on Sunday. Why do I need to hang out with a bunch of assholes?

You know, I think Brian Klawiter is trying to go the Memories Pizza route: bash gays by flapping his arms and screaming that he's a Christian, have anybody with an IQ well above room temperature bash him and his business, go out of business because of the negative backlash he's received and then have Glenn Beck and his minions start a GoFundMe site and raise over $800,000 so he can retire happily. But since most of his clientele are all probably rednecks as-is, it might never happen. I don't picture most gays owning a diesel truck. But if they did, it would be pink with bows with showtunes blaring out the stereo, complete with pink triangles on the oversized rims. I would love somebody to take a truck like that to Mr. Klawiter to service, and if they did, they should take a cell phone camera to film his reaction. Priceless!

Makes me happy that I drive a normal car like a normal person.


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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

4.15.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Cumulus

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Cumulus Media
Age: 18
Occupation: radio giant
Last Seen: Atlanta, GA
Bee-otched For: making me wonder why they're hellbent on the Nash brand
Ever since the 94.7 frequency in New York (technically Newark) flipped from religious "Family Radio" two years ago, that station has gone straight to hell.

In the years since Cumulus launched Nash FM in the Big Apple, ratings for the godforsaken country station have never been over a 2 share. As a matter of fact, in the latest Nielsen ratings, the station is at a pathetic 1.5.

Even more laughable, their Nash affiliate in Detroit at 93.1 (the old WDRQ/Doug FM), is at a 1.7, tying fading alternative stalwart 89X as Detroit's lowest-rated commercial FM music station, tied for 18th place.

IIRC, I've been hearing that at times, the Nash stations have been dunking in some CHR content to spike things up. The question is: why? Why polish a turd that way? Is Cumulus THAT desperate to save a brand that's been a disaster since day one? In most markets where Nash is present, they're in second place to the other big country station in town, like Detroit's 99.5 WYCD. Hell, there's a good reason why despite being the only country station in town, Nash is tanking: it's because New York just isn't a country town, period. They love rock, but thanks to corporate radio running the show in NYC, it might take an eternity until the city that never sleeps will get another one. The last new rock station New York had, 101.9 WRXP did a helluva lot better in the ratings than what Nash is doing now. Of course, 101.9 is now simulcasting sports WFAN 660.

You know, I wonder how Cumulus is doing financially. A station that's at a 1.5 in the ratings can't be making much money. Even worse, Cumulus spent $40 million on WNSH and it's probably not making much back on that investment. Cumulus should have toured the streets and asked what people wanted, not just assume that everybody in New York City is a hick.

What works in Nashville just won't work in New York City.


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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4.14.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Rush Limbaugh

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Rush Limbaugh
Age: 64
Occupation: right-winged bullshitter
Last Seen: West Palm Beach, FL
Bee-otched For: getting the boot in Indy
Liberals in Indiana might be still fuming over the state's anti-gay laws recently approved by Gov. Mike Pence, but the good news is that as of July 3rd, the state's top talk station will be dropping some 300 lbs.

WIBC 93.1 Indianapolis announced yesterday that they will be dropping The Rush Limbaugh Show because they couldn't come to terms with a new contract with his syndicator, Premiere Radio Networks.

"Emmis Communications and Premiere Networks announced today a decision to end their partnership in Indianapolis. As a result, WIBC 93.1 FM, Indianapolis’ News/Talk station, will not renew its contract to air The Rush Limbaugh Show," said station brass in a statement. "WIBC has a strong line-up of live and local personalities delivering great radio, and we will continue to be Indianapolis’ home for listeners with a passion for conservative values and principles."

WIBC carries mostly local talkers, but they also carry syndicated hosts such as George Noory and Tea Party skank Dana Loesch. They are Indy's third-highest-rated radio station with a 6.6 and the top talker. The market does have one other talk station, "Freedom 95" (950 WXLW Indianapolis and 95.9 WFDM Franklin), which might be a perfect fit for Rush. However, the AM's nighttime signal sucks (36 watts) and their FM signal only kisses Indy's south side. Then again, their daytime signal is just fine with 5,000 watts (even though WIBC's former home at 1070 - now sports WFNI "The Fan" - is 50KW daytime).

OK, I don't want to give the conservative radio station owners any ideas, but sadly, that could end up being Rush's new home. Even better, Freedom 95 - despite carrying Glenn Beck, Dave Ramsey and Sean Hannity - has a big, fat zero in the ratings.

Even with a 6.6 in the ratings, methinks that WIBC just couldn't sell the big, fat pill-popping woman hater to advertisers. Hell, I have a friend in Traverse City who told me that WTCM's spot load during Rush only consists of the casinos (who'll advertise during ANYTHING) and PSAs. If you advertise during Rush, it's sending a message to your listeners that you support his bigotry and stupidity. It's why so many of them jumped ship when he called law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" on his show. Since conservatism in America is anything but cool these days, plus the fact that Rush is 64, anybody who advertises on his show is, well, stupid.

However, I think there's a small pizza joint near South Bend called "Memories" that might want to advertise. Does WIBC's signal go that far?


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Monday, April 13, 2015

4.13.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Interlochen Center for the Arts

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Interlochen Center for the Arts
Age: 87
Occupation: arts education center
Last Seen: near Traverse City
Bee-otched For: pretending that everybody in northern Michigan is over the age of 60
---It seems that when a concert venue in northern Michigan only gets artists that appeal to an older demographic, people complain.

I remember several years ago, the Cherry Festival brought in Styx and Foreigner as their big rock acts. Of course, leave it up to the Gen-Xers and Milennials to make fun of the yearly event by calling them a geezerfest. Since then, their yearly concerts have improved by bringing in several 90s acts such as Collective Soul and Blues Traveler last year and this year, Weird Al Yankovic and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Joan Jett.

But now in northern Michigan, shitty concerts have a new home: Interlochen.

The famed arts Academy announced last Friday their summer concert schedule, and it's loaded with moldy oldies. Amongst this year's artists include Michael McDonald, The Doobie Brothers (separately), Boz Scaggs, The Beach Boys, Harry Connick, Jr., Diana Krall, Vince Gill and the sole modern rock act coming this year, indie legends O.A.R.

Last year, the festival was way more exciting with Willie Nelson, EDM princess (and Interlochen alumnus) Betty Who, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Darius Rucker (Hootie), Jackson Browne, Gordon Lightfoot, Five For Fighting and Steely Dan. Why the geniuses at Interlochen invested in such a geezer-friendly schedule is beyond me.

The moron in charge of this year's underwhelming shitfest was Christopher Gruits, who told the website "there are a lot of artists here who resonate with baby boomers, but overall you're trying to strike a balance. Pink Martini, for instance, appeals to people in their 20s all the way through 50s or 60s. Last year we had Ray Lamontagne and Nickel Creek. Our mix is also reflective of who we are here; we see a lot of families and we have a big retirement community here."

Pink Martini? Huh? According to Wikipedia, they're a lounge music act. Personally, this 33-year-old's never heard of 'em.

I know, northern Michigan has always been a haven for retirees. But as a native of the north, it sickens me when people try to create businesses around them and they fail. Traverse City has three AC/easy listening stations (Lite 96.3, Easy 95-5/106-3 and 101.9 The Bay) and only Lite does well in the ratings. Old people simply don't like to spend their money, so why in the hell does Interlochen think that getting mostly geezers and has-beens to play at their festival works?

Don't look at me since I've never been to Interlochen, and as long as ticket sales stay low, they'll realize what a mistake they've made.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

4.9.15 Bee-otch of the Day: northern Michigan media

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: northern Michigan media
Age: ageless
Occupation: supposed entertainers and informers
Last Seen: Cadillac, Traverse City, Petoskey, et. al.
Bee-otched For: making horrible, horrible decisions
Earlier this week, we Bee-otched Resurrection Life Church in Grandville because they announced that they would not return $300,000 stolen from a Ponzi scheme back to its victims. Well, yesterday, ResLife announced that they simply just don't have the money and are now asking their followers to help out.

Gee, and how big are the houses of their several dozen pastors?

Well, it turns out that ResLife is in the televangelism business with a weekly show called Walking By Faith, hosted by lead pastor Duane Vander Klok. It can be seen on a few cable channels (TCT and TBN-owned The Church Channel) and a few religious TV stations. But guess what's the only secular TV station airing Vander Klok's weekly drivel?

If you guessed Fox 32 in northern Michigan, pat yourself on the back.

Yep! Fox 32 WFQX airs WBF alongside Kenneth Copeland and The 700 Club as part of their daily asshole televangelist block from 9 to 11 a.m. daily. In a market where more-reputable programming like Jerry Springer is AWOL, you get to see Vander Klok lie to you that he doesn't have $300,000, even though the church is one of the biggest in west Michigan with a satellite in Rockford.

But, that's what happens when you're in a market where there's virtually only two TV station owners for four stations, which is technically illegal. Less owners, less choice. It's one reason why the only decent news source on TV these days up north is MiNews26. You don't have the fact that 7&4/29&8's owners, Sinclair force-fed Republican BS onto their viewers during the Bush administration and 9&10/Fox 32 bowing to religious nuts, either.

Of course, there's also the radio. Recently, I've noticed that WGFM Rock 105's sound is more newer and ballsy as of late. Previously, they were slacking when it came to adding new music and playing bands that simply just didn't fit the format, like Gin Blossoms and Counting Crows. In a typical hour, Rock 105 plays some current stuff (Incubus' "Absolution Calling", The Pretty Reckless' "Follow Me Down" and AWOLNATION's "Hollow Moon"), 2000s ("Alive" by POD, Foo Fighters' "All My Life" and White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army"), 90s (Green Day's "Longview", STP's "Unglued" and Smashing Pumpkins' "Zero") with some 80s (Motley Crue, G'nR and Metallica) splashed in.

However, they're also spinning some 70s as well, namely Led Zeppelin. One listener wasn't pleased and posted this to Rock 105's Facebook page:

"When did the home of "new rock" turn into classic rock the bear? There's already like 6 classic rock stations up here. Zeppelin, tesla an ozzy are great but damn there's plenty of stations playing all that. What's up with this?"

Well, the station did respond, and here it goes:

"Arthur, we have a set plan to keep the station successful. It's working. We play new rock. We play alternative rock. Hard rock. And yes... some classic rock as well. Expect it. Cus it's how we do and always have done things."

It's not known which member of Rock 105's staff wrote that, but methinks it's Cartman, the station's PD and morning host.

The REAL reason for Rock 105's change in direction is because the station is now using Westwood One's "Rock 2.0" format. It's basically a satellite-fed format but since they use a special computer system called STORQ to program things, they have the power to add songs, delete songs, have local jocks or even use WW1's canned jocks (which they do nights, overnights and weekends).

Want proof? Listen to Rock 105's webstream, and then listen to the webstream of a station that uses Rock 2.0 24/7

Of course, I still have a grudge against Cartman for the fact that he claimed that a Photoshopped image of him urinating on 106 KHQ's van that he made (ironically, with current KHQ employee Fish) and posted on his MySpace page many years ago was actually made by me. He apparently told some folks on a popular message board to save his sorry ass, and I got the blame. It's sad that people actually like this big, fat blob, even though he doesn't have the balls to tell the truth.

But that's northern Michigan radio, where if you don't like what you see on TV, there's the radio. Mind you that you will be subjected to ultra-bland crap loaded with overplayed oldies, country and classic rock, oh, there's that Bill Wirtz wannabe who owns several stations up north, even though a few of them are silent because of a "broken pipe". Might as well go to a movie instead, even though the movie theatres in Bellaire, Petoskey, Gaylord, Cheboygan and Mackinaw City are owned by a convicted felon.

The point is, it's sad when companies do what's best for them and not their customers. I love northern Michigan, but the media blows. Maybe that's one good reason why I'm down here in Grand Rapids. At least the only moronic religious show that airs here locally is In Touch With Charles Stanley, which airs Sundays on not one, but TWO(!!!) stations: WOOD-TV 8 and WXMI Fox 17. Why? Good question, but as somebody who doesn't give to religious folks, it's shameful.

I guess my point is that even locally-owned stations make their mistakes. They are just as boneheaded as the iHeartRadios and Cumuluses of the world. They don't realize that I can listen to satellite or internet radio anywhere on God's green Earth, and I can decide to skip a song I don't like or not. Maybe that's why in northern Michigan, some radio companies are barely breaking even and some are being left for dead. Maybe radio station owners need to watch more Jon Taffer or Gordon Ramsay and learn that being delusional won't benefit any business.

Listen to the listeners, not yourselves.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4.8.15 Hero of the Day: Stan Freberg

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Stan Freberg
Age: was 88
Occupation: satirist
Last Seen: Santa Monica, CA
Awarded For: making us laugh for over 70 years
The world is laughing a little bit less today.

One of the funniest entertainers of all time has passed away. Stan Freberg had one of the most-impressive careers in show business, which started in the early 1940s and last until just recently. When it was announced yesterday that he had died of pneumonia at age 88, it left a void in the hearts of those who grew up listening to his weird and unusual satire.

His career started just as he got out of high school when he took a bus to a talent agency who directed him to Warner Bros., where he made his mark recording voices for their Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons. At WB, he voiced one of the Goofy Gophers, "Tosh" while mainstay Mel Blanc lent his voice to "Mac". Stan also voiced Pete Puma in "Rabbit's Kin", a dumb dog that couldn't outsmart Bugs Bunny in "Foxy By Proxy" and scores of others. Sadly, because Mel Blanc had an exclusive contract at Warners that only allowed him to have screen credit, Freberg was not credited for most of his work at the studio.

However, the lack of screen credit didn't hurt his career. He recorded several hit records in the 1950s that were mostly parodies. His 1952 rendition of Johnny Ray's "Cry" called "Try", where he over-exaggerated Ray's vocal style was a huge hit, even though Ray himself was angry with Stan's version. Of course, that's until Ray's original version of the tune found its way up the charts again. Freberg's recordings were hits throughout the 50s, including "St. George and the Dragonet" which was a #1 hit with fellow voice actors June Foray and Daws Butler, plus parodies of "Day-O", "Heartbreak Hotel" and several others.

In the 1950s, he even gained a radio show on CBS. However, he refused to be sponsored by companies that manufactured cigarettes and tobacco, mainly because of his Christianity. Despite his faith, his parodies were often hilarious and groundbreaking. He was also one of the puppeteers of the legendary Time For Beany TV series, which was created by former Warner animator Bob Clampett.

In later years, Freberg also worked on commercials, such as Jeno's Pizza Rolls, Campbell's Soups and Encyclopaedia Britannica, which he co-starred with his son, Donavan. He worked well into his 80s, most-recently working on Cartoon Network's The Garfield Show.

With Freberg's passing, very few voice actors remain from the golden age of animation, notably June Foray (aka Rocky the Squirrel), still going strong at 97 (and also working on The Garfield Show). Stan was also an inspiration to folks like Weird Al Yankovic and Mad Magazine. It would only be interesting to know what this world would be like without him existing.

And who wants to know?


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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

4.7.15 Bee-otch of the Day: Resurrection Life Church

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on



Name: Resurrection Life Church
Age: 48
Occupation: megachurch
Last Seen: Grandville, MI
Bee-otched For: stealing from the poor
Somewhere, God is shaking his head, again and again.

A popular church in the Grand Rapids area is under fire after it received $300,000 in stolen money and now, it won't give the money back. Resurrection Life Church in Grandville got the money from David Wilson McQueen, who is now serving 30 years in prison for running a Ponzi scheme where he extorted $46 million from some 800 investors. Several years after McQueen's sentencing, the US Attorney's Office is trying to reimburse his victims, and has asked ResLife to give back the 300K it got from him.

Their response? "We have prayerfully considered your request that the Church return all or part of this donor’s gifts and tithe monies, and must respectfully decline to do so," Rev. Bernard Blauwkamp wrote in a letter obtained by WOOD-TV 8 here in Grand Rapids. "The funds were received over a period of time spanning multiple years, and no single donation was extraordinary in size. Our Church is blessed to have a large membership, many of whom who God has blessed with material abundance. Our leadership makes it a point to not focus on the identity of its donors; such knowledge could cause favoritism and affect interpersonal relationships within the Church."

One of the victims told WOOD-TV as part of their Target 8 investigation that the letter Rev. Blauwkamp wrote was insulting. It reminded her of a little kid crying "finders keepers!" who won't give anything back. She feels that the church has a moral obligation to give the money back. She lost six figures in the scheme and feels sickened that they found some of her money, but the people - a church in this case - won't give back the money. However, Blauwkamp told WOOD-TV that he feels that the church is being singled out and didn't know where the money was truly coming from over the years.

Since the story aired on WOOD-TV, people have been posting to their Facebook page with a lot of vitriol. "Very disappointed in Res Life. As someone who use to attend Res Grandville to keep any money from someone who you knowingly obtained said money from cheating people isn't what I would consider Christian," Wendy Ann Carroll-Botts said. "Give the stolen money back. "Come to our uncaring church and feel the comfort of the new pews purchased with stolen money." We believe in Robin Hood, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and stealing - free parking," said Jess Askin.  

I think it's sick that one of the biggest churches in Grand Rapids is simply thumbing its nose at innocent people who have made a simple mistake. I'm glad the government is on their side, but to have a wealthy megachurch to tell them to fuck off is simply their way of saying that they believe in the Bible with the exception of that verse where Jesus tells the rich young man that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to Heaven. Sorry, but I'd rather donate to a young, hot stripper opening her legs in front of me versus a fucked-up church that is worth millions but doesn't feel obligated to give back to these victims.

Obviously, the words "Thou Shalt Not Steal" don't mean shit to them.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!