Thursday, July 30, 2020

7.30.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 74
Occupation: crybaby
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: wanting to cause a delay


Towards the end of Obama's run as president, I started seeing those ridiculous MAGA hats.

All I could wonder was, "make America great from WHAT?" The mid-2010s were some of the best days of my life. I got mad raises at my job and there was so much growth around me.

But now, everything is a memory. 

Now, we can't go to the grocery store without a mask. Wanna go to a movie? Gotta do it online. Wanna travel? Probably not a good idea. 

And if Drumpf ever got his way, we would have had to wait a little longer to go to the polls or at least mail in our ballots.

Today, he suggested that Election Day be delayed in part because he believes that mail fraud could get him elected out of office. However, 1) there's ZERO evidence that the ballots can end up in the wrong hands. Yeah, like a dog can vote. Give my mom's parrot a ballot and it will be confetti. And 2) he has no power to adjust the voting schedule, especially since it's Congress's decision and not his. And you don't want to mess with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and AOC, either.

Meanwhile, his little Tulsa rally has killed one of his favorite supporters. Former Godfather's Pizza CEO and presidential candidate Herman Cain died today from COVID-19 at the age of 74. Proof positive that once again, large rallies are a dumb idea during this pandemic.

With 4.6 million people infected with the virus and 155,000 deaths so far, Drumpf should have been caring two shits about it since day one. But, sadly, it's not meant to be. Instead, he's posting false information on Twitter about the disease and telling the word that he's COVID-free because of hydroroxycholiq-whatever. 

A part of me wonders if Drumpf doesn't want to be president. Instead, he wants to be DICTATOR. He would want to rip the Constitution into shreds to imprison what's left of the middle class and below. Trust me, I knew this would happen if we ever voted Republican again.

But, get this: the latest pro-Drumpf campaign ad on TV shows Joe Biden in 1987 bitching at a reporter about being the top in his school, blah blah blah while the news media refutes it. OK, so what does that have to do with what we're dealing with now? I know, Biden ain't perfect. But, better him over Drumpf. 

Look, WANTING to move the election to a later date shows how dangerous Drumpf is. Personally, I think voting by mail SHOULD be the law as opposed to standing in line to vote in a cramped spot. I'm thankful for being an absentee voter so I don't have to wait forever in line. I simply fill out the ovals and return it NOT by mail, but giving it to the local clerk. Done. 

Drumpf needs to know that he had a job to do and failed miserably. Whether or not Joe Biden can fix his wrongs is anybody's guess. But at this point, a pile of cow manure can do a better job of running the country. This country needs to be fixed before it destroys us.

Only 96 more days... I hope!


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