Monday, December 7, 2020

12.7.20 Bee-otches of the Day: people STILL not protecting themselves during the pandemic

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on's socials.

Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: acting like COVID is a hoax


When the pandemic began, we had all hoped that we would never have to deal with it ourselves. 

We all heard the horror stories. Loved ones dying alone in a hospital with a ventilator shoved down their throat. Perfectly healthy people losing organs and limbs. A society crying that children can't get the virus, yet, some have indeed died from it.

To me, I view coronavirus as a game of Tag. Tag, you're it! Another mental game is the one where I ask who would be the first person I know who got it (a former co-worker of mine). Another was the first family member (a maternal cousin) and would it ever infect my place of work (and sadly, it did). 

Thankfully, new COVID vaccines are being rolled out all across the globe. America should be getting them sooner or later, though who will be getting them first is a very sensitive question. 

Sadly, there's no sugarcoating what I'm about to say. COVID-19 has now hit my immediate family. On Friday, it was announced that my mother now has the disease.

It all started on Tuesday of last week when she got out of work and developed a deep cough. She went home, went to bed and was coughing the whole night. She called me on Wednesday to warn me not to come over for dinner. She called her doctor and was told to get checked for COVID-19. A day later, she was diagnosed with the disease. 

As of now, she's still coughing, but resting at home. Because she's 65 and vapes, I worry about her health. As soon as I heard about my mom's diagnosis, I got tested for the second time since the pandemic began. Thankfully, I'm negative. However, because I was with her earlier last week, I've been told to stay home from work for a week as a precaution. 

How my mom got COVID-19 is a mystery. She works in retail and works around people with various ways of responding to the virus. Yes, there's many who mask up in public and wash their hands. Others - you guessed it - think it's a hoax and we shouldn't be worried about it. It's a shame that my Mom and I are from the area where an asshole preacher is telling people to get COVID.

Pastor Bart Spencer of Lighthouse Baptist Church in the vastly-conservative town of Holland is receiving backlash for telling his parishioners on November 14 that that he had COVID and there shouldn't be any fear regarding it. In his sermon, he told everybody one of the dumbest things I've ever heard spewed from a preacher's mouth: "COVID, it’s all good. Several people have had COVID, none have died yet. It’s OK. Get it, get it over with, press on."

This past weekend, it was announced that COVID-19 will be the second-largest cause of death in America, right behind heart disease, at year's end. It's tragic that there's still idiots out there who don't think it's that serious and we see them at rallies without masks at all. They don't realize that when and if they get COVID, they can spread it to dozens of people. They make it into a political issue instead, crying that the media created it for ratings. When they post their lies to Facebook and Twitter and when they either get banned or factchecked, they act like children and move over to Parler. 

Now that my mother is suffering with COVID, all I can say is that I hope everybody who denies its existence gets it so they know what my mother has to go through. I'm happy that Drumpf and his cronies are getting it. Last weekend, it was announced that Rudy "Toots" Giuliani has COVID. It's nice when all the wrong people on Earth get it and not the ones whom you need the most.

Thankfully, the vaccines are coming out and we'll get them hopefully soon. I'm tired of this shit, period. I want to live my life normally again. But, if we all keep wearing our masks and wash our hands regularly, this will end sooner or later. 

Nobody needs to suffer, period.


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