Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11.2.10 Bee-otch of the Day: non-voters

Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: not voting


Today is going to be one of the most-important days in President Obama's life.

Not even two years into his presidency and his approval rating is in the crapper just because people just don't get it. We had Bush as president for eight years too long and people expect Obama to clean up his mess in a jiffy. Well, it doesn't work that way. Just ask FDR.

So, prior to today's midterm elections, the whole flippin' media talks about how the Democrats will lose big time in the House and Senate. Not to mention the fact that most people are expected to vote Republican today.

But, even worse, there's going to be a TON of Americans who won't even go to the polls. Several polls show that only 60% of all Americans registered to vote will even make it to the polls today.
The question is, why? Just because the president's not running doesn't mean that people shouldn't vote. Hell, here in Michigan, we have two new people running for governor. I DEFINITELY will be voting in that election, since I don't want a CEO running my state. Same goes with all these jerkoff Republicans who want to lower taxes for the wealthy and even allow businesses to make their workers work for just above minimum wage.

Ya know, I make mistakes. The battle between Bush and Gore was the first election I was eligible to vote in. However, I didn't vote because I hated the fact that Gore chose Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Big mistake. Yes, I only have one voice and one vote, but imagine if more people like me voted against Bush that year. The economy would be much better, gas prices would be much lower and most of all, 9/11 would have never even happened.

Thankfully, I was so pissed by 2004 that I started voting. From then on, I never voted for a single, solitary Republican. Yeah, there's many Dems who aren't perfect, either, but ya know, remember the lesser of the two evils.

I remember talking to one of my buddies from Florida and he told me how pissed he was because he asked his buddies if they voted, and they said something to the tune of, "well, we were thinking about it". It doesn't work that way. You can't almost vote. Either you do or don't

Remember, folks, you're Americans. We either stand tall or sink. Yeah, you can vote straight ticket Republican and I would still love to kick your ass. But I think the worst enemy is the schmuck who doesn't vote, period. Even if the two choices suck, we need to band together and vote for the one that at least sounds sensible. To make, it's Virg Bernero since Rick Snyder is wealthy and is practically buying this election. Hell, his first ad aired during the Super Bowl! On the other hand, Bernero hasn't been totally proven, but then again, at least he's not a wealthy dickhead like Snyder.

No funny lines today. GET OUT AND VOTE.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

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