Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11.16.11 Bee-otch of the Day: Jerry Sandusky

Name: Jerry Sandusky
Age: 67
Occupation: coach-turned-pedo
Last Seen: Pennsylvania
Bee-otched For: crying that he's not guilty


I'll betcha that the jokes we were telling about Michael Jackson back in the 1990's can now be reused today for Jerry Sandusky.

Except, of course, the one that compares him to a plastic bag.

On Monday night's Rock Center on NBC, Jerry Sandusky was being interviewed by Bob Costas about his alleged sexual allegations with young boys. On the horn, Sandusky claimed that yes, he did some borderline inappropriate actions with the boys of his Second Mile program, but nothing sexual.

Ummmmm, he still showered with young boys. Gross.

Look, I'm a firm believer that yes, men share the same privates, but having young boys shower with an older man? That's sick. I wouldn't surprised if Sandusky's lying out his ass. If he's horseplaying with young kids in the shower naked, then he's a pedo, plain and simple.

Just my honest opine. I hope to God that Jerry Sandusky and all of his protectors - ie Joe Paterno and Mike McQuery - will rot in hell for all the damage they did to all those children. Because of their little secrets, PennState will have a giant gash that won't be healed quickly.

Of course, the punchline to the plastic bag joke is that one's harmful to children and one's used to carry groceries. Sadly, that won't apply to Mr. Sandusky.


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