Friday, February 16, 2018

2.15.18 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 71
Occupation: bullshitter
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: being a man of broken promises

A day after one of the most-horrific school shootings in history, the nation and even the world are still stunned.

A troubled 19-year-old monster who had a fascination towards guns took an Uber to his estranged high school near Miami and shot up his classmates. Afterward, he paid a visit to Subway, McDonald's and Walmart before being arrested.

And yes, Subway, McDonald's and Walmart would be the three last places I would ever go to before going to jail. But then again, Nikolas Cruz had a bad taste of life, considering that he was a gun nut that couldn't be stopped.

It was clear that Cruz had issues. Adopted as a child, his adoptive father died and his adoptive mother died late last year from influenza and pneumonia. Clearly, he lost direction in life and probably had nobody to look up to except the AR-15 that he used to shoot up the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Seventeen people's lives were lost in the melee.

One of the defining moments of the tragedy was when Lori Alhadeff, the mother of murdered 14-year-old Alyssa Alhadeff went on camera on CNN telling Drumpf that our kids need safety now. Plus, she had explained that she had spent the past two hours planning her daughter's funeral. Alhadeff's speech shook CNN host Brooke Baldwin so hard that she could barely speak.  

Drumpf made a speech today but made no mention of guns at all. Apparently, he wants to make resolving mental issues a top priority, but not getting military-style weapons off our streets.

I know, not everybody who owns guns are sickos, but a lot of them are. Maybe Drumpf avoided the gun issue simply because the NRA is kissing his rich white ass. But then again, under his leadership, we're not safe as-is. Under his 2019 budget plan, he's cutting $24 million from school safety programs and millions more from Medicare that would help people with mental issues. In all Drumpf has once again proved that he's all talk and no action.

Oh, wait, he IS a man of action! Last February, he signed a bill that made it easier for those with mental illness to buy guns! He overturned a measure created by President Obama that prevented gun sales for some 75,000 Americans.

Once again, I hope the revolution is beginning. It's time to fix our two party system so the Democrats start listening to their progressive base instead of acting Republican Lite and getting zero done. If they can't do it, it'll be four more years of Drumpf and four more years of mass shootings. America already has one of the worst gun laws on the globe and as long as we have Repukes and middle of the road Dems in charge, shit just won't happen.

The Second Amendment: misunderstood since 1791.



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