Thursday, April 11, 2019

4.11.19 Bee-otch of the Day: the US government

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: the US government
Age: 243
Occupation: our rulers
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: sick time? Whatdis?

For the first time in years, I skipped a BOTD deadline because of illness.

Yes, there were other reasons for skipping, like me doing stuff that took up a lot of time, or girlfriend problems and so on. But yesterday, I was battling flu-like symptoms. How I supposedly got it is, well, a gross story in itself. 

On Monday at my normal job, we had a temp come in to do some packing. Throughout the day, he had Kleenex shoved up his nostrils. To make matters worse, he came over to my department and wanted to hang out with me. Bad decision. 

Well, things only got worse when I had to go pee. As I walked over to the men's room faucet to wash my hands, there was a SHIT TON of snot hanging over the spigot. I ended up going to the break room to wash my hands there. I did tell the boss and the next time I went back there, the sink had been cleaned up.

Towards the end of my shift, I got home and I felt like I had to take a wicked dump. Even after I did, I still felt like there was a lot of shit in me. The next day, the pain had spread to all the muscles in my body by the end of my work day. I tried to sleep it off, but by the time the alarm had rung, my stomach was still sore. For the first time in several years, I called in sick. I spent the day taking baths and sucking on chicken soup and Vernor's. I was still in pain by the next day, but I felt well enough to work and eat real food. At least I wasn't puking, nor sneezing or coughing, either.

The sad thing is that my shop, like many others employs temporary workers to do jobs that don't take a plethora of skills to do. My shop pays another firm who in turn hires mainly jobless people who can be trainable on whatever skill is pushed at them. The problem is, is that temps don't get holiday or sick pay, which explains the pile of snot on the men's room faucet at my work.

I know, there's a flu bug going around and even though I got my flu shot this year, I still got it and suffered for it. At least I have paid personal time, which equates to both sick and vacation time. However, temps don't have it as good as me. When they're sick, they have to work, and when they work sick, then we all get sick. Same with part time workers; they have no benefits, so when they get sick, people have to suffer. Look at fast food joints: no benefits or time off, so if one's sick, prepare to eat an infected Big Mac.

The sad shame is that other countries have mandatory sick days and sick leave. Here? Well, if you die on the job, sucks to be you.

I think having time off work if needed isn't just a perk, but it should be a human right. Temp agencies can be nice, but after seeing what happened on Monday at work and its potential consequences, I would never want to work for one unless my life depended on it. If you're a snot factory, you need to see a doctor, but since temps probably don't have it, they're screwed.

And if they're screwed, we're all going to face an epidemic, like the one recently created by Dr. Jenny McCarthy.

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