Thursday, March 12, 2020

3.12.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 74
Occupation: wannabe golfer
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: making us sick                                                                 


It's funny that it's an election year and the fight for the White House isn't even the top news story.

The media has been pounding the situation regarding the coronavirus up our ass for over a month now. Because of it, TV shows are taping without an audience, concerts like South By Southwest are being canceled and now, the NHL and NBA is suspending games after a player for the Utah Jazz tested positive for COVID-19. The NCAA also announced that March Madness will be canceled. Even strip clubs are giving out complementary hand sanitzer to its patrons.

The pandemic of course started in Wuhan, China at an exotic meat market. Many got sick from eating bats used for soup. Soon, the sickness spread and now, almost every state in America has at least one person with the virus.

Of course, the virus has hurt the stock market. Today was its worst day since the crash of 1987. Gas prices have also crashed as well. Here in Grand Rapids, regular unleaded is now hovering around $2 per gallon.

And whad'ya know? Under the fluffy blonde mane of Drumpf sits a brain of a typical Repthuglican douchebag who can't handle an international crisis.

Since the COVID-19 BS started circling the globe, the US has been slow comparing to other countries in fighting its carnage. While everybody else has hospitals equipped with what it takes to diagnose the disease, right now, an American who feels coronavirus' symptoms could take days to know if they have it or not.

But when you have somebody like Mike "Pray The Gay Away" Pence as the person in charge of fighting the coronavirus, well, this is what you get.

This is why I sure as hell don't want a Repuke in charge when disaster strikes. When the AIDS crisis hit, Ronald Reagan responded with nothing pure disrespect for the LGBTQ+ community, privately claiming that it was their fault that they got it. Of course as we all know, heteros like myself can even get it.

When a Repuke is president, it seems this country will go to hell in a handbasket. Reagan dealt with AIDS, Bush I dealt with Iraq, II dealt with 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq again and now, Drumpf is dealing with COVID-19 and not doing a damn good job at it. Now, he's banning travel to and from Europe, which is creating more friction between him and world leaders.

Yet, this is another reason why I support Bernie Sanders. He's been telling people that if a COVID-19 vaccine was ever created, he'd make it free for everybody. Plus, our hospitals would be better equipped to handle this crisis.

So ladies and germs, er, gents, this is why I want sanity to return to the White House this Fall. If not, well, we're screwed.

But since Drumpf did have contact with somebody with COVID-19, let's hope for the best and have karma hit him hard.

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