Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5.16.18 Bee-otch of the Day: NRA


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: National Rifle Association
Age: 146
Occupation: right-winged gun nuts
Last Seen: Fairfax, VA
Bee-otched For: wanting all schools to be like Dixon


It was a national tragedy that was prevented.

In Dixon, IL, a 19-year-old man opened fire near the gym while seniors were rehearsing their graduation. However, the school's police officer, Mark Dallas chased him out of the building and shot him several times. The suspect is hospitalized and is expected to live. Dallas has been hailed as a hero for saving the lives of multiple students.

Now, the NRA's probably telling the kids of recent mass shootings like the one in Parkland, FL that if the school has a properly-trained officer on board, they can prevent mass shootings like Dallas did. However, schools like the one in Dixon, pop. 15,000, aren't so lucky.

Folks, my high school in Michigan was in a town of 1,600 - about 10 times smaller than Dixon - and had 400 students. The police department was on the other side of town and it's a five-minute drive from the station to the school. Some schools are even smaller here in Michigan and aren't very close to a reasonable police department.

Look, not all schools can afford police officers and I'm sure not all teachers want to carry guns. We need to keep automatic guns away from people who will use them to hurt others. We can't trust that a good man with a gun can get rid of a bad man with a gun.

Oh, and what the deal with the NRA hiring Ollie North as their president? Nothing like an asshole who aides terrorists running a so-called-pro Second Amendment organization.

The NRA: because in their minds, turning schools into prisons is what's best for kids.



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