Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5.23.18 Bee-otch of the Day: Leslie Love


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Leslie Love
Age: 46
Occupation: state representative
Last Seen: Detroit, MI
Bee-otched For: showing no love for the adult entertainment industry


Great. What this country needs is another fucking politician who makes going to the strip club even tougher.

Detroit's Leslie Love (D) has introduced a bill that would force all strip club employees - dancers, management, etc. - to be licensed. She believes that such establishments need to be run more professionally.

She told the Detroit Free Press, "People have been dancing since before Jesus. Why does it have to operate in the dark?"

If Love's bill passes, strip clubs would force all dancers to be 21 and over, force employees to guidelines and fees and have all clubs meet design guidelines. Posters would also be posted in locker rooms to prevent sex trafficking.

You know, I have a friend who worked in the strip club business for many, many years and he thinks that Love's bill is pure bullshit, and I agree. The sad truth is that it's tougher to own a strip club in Michigan than it is to own a gun shop. Fuck, here in Grand Rapids, nude dancing is banned outright! It's easier to buy a gun than it is to have some smokin' hot chick show you her lady bits in this city.

Folks, even been to a strip club and notice that the performers use stage names? Well, there's a reason for that. It's because the last thing a stripper needs is some douchebag stalking her. I used to go to strip clubs regularly and I NEVER knew the real name of any of the girls or even followed them home. Sorry, but I'm an adult. Love's idiotic bill will make things dangerous for performers. Plus, there's many dancers 18-21 who need the money. Love's bill would force them to work crappy jobs to get through college. I think it's safer to show a bunch of horny men your boobs than to get splattered with fry oil.

Some politicians just Can't Understand Normal Thinking. Leslie Love is one of them.



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