Wednesday, November 14, 2018

11.14.18 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: Twitter polluter
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: everything

You know, it's been too fucking long since I handed Drumpf the BOTD (August, to be exact). Well, it's time to sharpen the ax blade.

Last week, America spoke out and come January, the House will be controlled by the Dems again. But sadly, we're still stuck with Drumpf until at least January 20, 2021, unless *ahem* something happens.

Case in point, how Drumpfster has treated Jim Acosta. When the two were discussing matters, a White House intern tried yanking his mic. However, Drumpf and his minions all claimed that he tried to hit her, which was a lie. Acosta's White House press was revoked, though CNN is now trying to sue to get Acosta's press pass back. Even CNN's rival and Drumpf fave Fox News Channel is in support of Acosta and CNN, shockingly enough.

Meanwhile, the wildfires in California are raging on, burning over 9,000 buildings and killing over 51 so far. Many are calling Drumpf to change his views on climate change, but he seems to not be budging.

With the bullshit that's happened since he was elected president, it seems to be a blessing that the House will soon be run by the Democrats again. Problem is, Nancy Pelosi has put her nose into their business and told them that there could be repercussions if they even think about impeaching Drumpf. I say, bitch, keep your damn mouth shut. Oh, and tell Hillary that if she runs in 2020, it'll be an automatic second term for Drumpf. It's amazing that Dubya's a wanted man worldwide and yet he gets to fly freely in all 50 states.

It's amazing how in a few short years time, our country has gone back into a pit of hell all because of the flaming pile of shit known as the Electoral College. Hell, I look at Michigan and am thankful that the EC doesn't work here since Bill Shitty lost the governor's race even though he still won most of Michigan's counties. Then again, most Michigan counties are VERY sparsely populated and many of those rural territories are populated with racists and gun nuts. Personally, if we need to get rid of Drumpf, we oughta 1) eliminate the EC and 2) FERCHISSAKES, DEMS NEED TO BE TRUE PROGRESSIVES! ENOUGH KISSING REPUKE ASS ALREADY!

Only two more years, I hope. 


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