Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: carrot
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: recession, here we come!
-Age: 72
Occupation: carrot
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: recession, here we come!
I knew it.
I knew it, I knew it, i knew it.
When he was elected president, I knew that by the end of his first term, there would be trouble.
I knew it all along.
Yesterday, the Dow dropped 800 points in fear that another recession is looming. Drumpf's tariffs and tax breaks for the wealthy are starting to hurt everybody. Today, the Dow only gained about an eighth of its loss from yesterday.
Folks, I remember the last recession from ten years ago and how it hurt us all. Then again, the 2000s sucked, especially for those like me who were starting out. Nothing like a bunch of asshole Repukes calling you an $8/hr. loser when they were the ones who made you that loser. Back then, I remembered seeing people - even in my own family - go from making a respectable income to working at Walmart. I was lucky to even have a job.
Thanks to Obama, I'm now making WAAAAAY more than $8 per hour and the economy *had* been doing better. At least until Drumpf took over as president. Now, like the 2000s, we just might end this decade on another sour financial note.
It's a shame that Drumpf and the assholes who elected him are going to sink this country all because their top concern are that therm Mexicans ur gurna take ur jerbs away. Healthcare? Education? Gun laws? NAAAAAAAH! We needed a businessman to run the country. Well, this is what you get, folks.
This is why you'll never see me vote for anyone with an (R) after their name. Do you like the fact that you can't afford a decent house because the rent's too fucking high? Do you love the fact that you can't have a kid because childbirth is too expensive? Do you like going to college, graduating and then having to work at McDonald's because there are no jobs? Well, thank a Rethug.
All I can hope for is for the Democrats to allow people to vote for whomever they want to vote for in 2020. No more superdelagate BS like what happened in 2016. We need Bernie to show that high taxes for the wealthy will equate to job growth and not the other way around.
But otherwise, 2008, welcome home.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!
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