Monday, August 26, 2019

8.26.19 Bee-otch of the Day: The Breakaway Festival Cell Phone Pickpocket


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: unknown
Age: unknown
Occupation: crook
Last Seen: Grand Rapids, MI
Bee-otched For: taking over 30 cellphones... including mine

Every year, I go to one of the biggest EDM festivals in the state, Grand Rapids' Breakaway Festival.

Breakaway is a multi-state festival featuring the biggest stars in Electronic Dance Music. Think of it like Rothbury's Electric Forest, but without the camping, and without the parking.

This year's Breakaway in Grand Rapids featured Kaskade, Louis the Child, Troyboi and rapper Wiz Khalifa. There's three other Breakaways in Columbus, OH, plus Nashville and Charlotte.

Needless to say, I had a fun time attending both days. There was a lot of energy, lots of bass-pumping music and most-importantly, lots of hot chicks dressed like strippers. Love looking at girl ass? Breakaway is your place.

All was well both days until Saturday night when Big Gigantic took the stage. I shot some video of the band playing and put my phone back in my pocket. Towards the end of the set, I had to go pee, so I went to the port-a-potties.

The walk was treacherous. I had to fight through crowds to get there like everybody else. I did a thing where I was putting my hands up to symbolize that I was coming through. Well, that was a stupid idea.

By the time I got to the long rows of port-a-pissers, I reached into my pocket to grab my phone since it had a flashlight. I had a hard time seeing if there were people in there. However, As soon as I put my hand in my pocket, I only felt my wallet. My phone was gone!

I started freaking out, so I decided to quickly run back to the area to see if my phone was there. It wasn't. A guy was nice enough to see if my phone could ring, and it did. So, he told me to check out lost and found. I did, and they didn't have my phone. Since I had a ride home, I had no choice but to leave so I can go home and deactivate my phone. As a result, I had to miss out on Wiz Khalifa.

I got home and used Google's phone tracker. The asshole who stole my phone shut it off. The next day, I went all the way downtown to the police department to file a complaint. Today, over 30 people have filed complaints and more could be on the way.

The sad thing is that there were a good deal of security and police present, but they can't watch over all 12,000 attendees. Even with strict rules in regards to bags and such, dozens of cell phones are now gone, including mine.

My phone had many items, including the last-ever pictures I ever took of my dying grandmother and aunt. In the report above, the woman mentioned that she's in real estate and needs her phone for her job. It is my hope that the crook or crooks didn't destroy the phones or chucked it into one of those fucking ecoATM machines.

You know, I work hard. I get up every weekday at 4:30 am and I'm at work by 6 am. Some days are easy and some aren't. It's a job. I spent ten long, fucking years without a raise because my ex-boss was a drunk hollander who treated people like shit. By the time he retired, I was having panic attacks and I was floundering in severe debt because I was bullied too much. The best news is that my new boss saw a shit ton of potential in me. Since then, I've gotten many raises.

Sadly, I'm really starting to get tired of people. They view me as a gofer because I have a car. It insults me that when I give people rides - even to places miles away from here - my payment is a pair of socks. Yes, I was awarded a pair of socks for doing a favor for a Section Eight loser I've since unfriended. The same asshole who wanted me to give him $500 to help fix his aging Saturn that has over 200,000 miles on it. Sorry, but I'm a human and not your personal bank. It's assholes like him that make me hate people.

When I'm without my phone, I'm pissed. It's like being deserted. The last time I was without my phone, I was without my car thanks to my ex-"girlfriend" who was constantly taking both to Muskegon. One day, I had neither and had no way to get to work. Thanks to some quick thinking and an older smartphone that still worked, I was able to Uber it to work. Later that evening, I proudly kicked her ass out of my apartment.

You know, when people use me, I feel like shit. I've tried real hard to eliminate those in my life who see me as their servant and shit like this only rips apart the wound. However, there was some good news in all this. The man at the Lost and Found desk deserves a giant THANK YOU for letting me use his phone to get my ride ready and my ride since I sure as hell wasn't going to pay over $30 for an Uber home.

In the end, if the perp isn't caught, at least they will face bad karma. SHAME on anybody who uses hard workers like myself to get themselves paid through life. I hope everybody who attended Breakaway will get their phone back. At least I'm getting a new phone and will hopefully be here in the next day or two.

Hopefully, this asshole or asshole will "Breakaway" from real life and head into jail.

Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

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