Name: The Republican Party
Age: 165
Occupation: ultra-right-winged assholes
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: another day, another shooting
-Age: 165
Occupation: ultra-right-winged assholes
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: another day, another shooting
It's amazing how time changes everything.
And not for the better.
In the 1860s, it was a Republican named Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery. It was the beginning of allowing African Americans to be just as important as anyone else. But in the end, Honest Abe took a bullet for his country.
Just 60 years ago, the Republicans had some decent ideas. Hell, Eisenhower gave us interstate highways. But it was JFK who got is to the moon and LBJ Civil Rights (and regrettably, Vietnam).
Then came Reagan.
As it was discovered last week, an audio tape between him and Nixon from around 1971 revealed a dark side of 40. On the tape, Reagan called Africans "monkeys" and "cannibals". Now, true, this was back during a time when calling people of color names seemed to be A-OK. After all, Reagan was an actor during the days when the only major black actor in Hollywood was Stepin Fetchit. Yes, you can say that it's a generational situation. But since it was Reagan who busted the unions, didn't raise the minimum wage by one penny and eliminated the Fairness Doctrine for broadcasting during his eight years in office, well, there you go.
Now, Clinton was a mixed bag. Yes, the minimum wage finally moved up and jobs were created. But he made the disappearance of the Fairness Doctrine - which forced broadcasters to show both sides of the story - even worse with Telecom 96. Look at Traverse City: their four full-power TV stations are now run by two companies. One of them is Sinclair, which forces their ultra-right-wing bullshit into their local stations' newscasts.
Since I was born, we've sadly had four Republican presidents. Clinton leaned a bit to the right while Obama was a centralist. It's sad that we're dying to have a true lefty in the White House, but with the way the Dems treated Bernie in 2016, who knows what will happen in 2020.
Sadly, we're stuck with at least 17 more months of Drumpf and his bigotry. During his time in office, we've had the two worst mass shootings in American history. And yes, let's not forget the four shootings from last week; two of them at Walmarts.
The pathetic truth about these gunmen are that they worship Drumpf. They think that eliminating non-whites from this Earth will honor him, who they think is the current coming of Jesus. It's like the 9/11 terrorists: they were raised to believe that they will be awarded 40 virgins just by flying a plane into the two tallest buildings in New York City. Same with the assholes who shot up El Paso, Gilroy and Dayton: they probably have never gotten laid, so they figure that getting a gun is easier than getting a girlfriend.
Folks, this is why I hate Republicans. They're bought by the NRA and when we have mass shootings like these, THEY. WON'T. DO. A. GODDAMNED. THING. But if a famous lady shows her right boob like Janet Jackson did on TV, the FCC will boost fines.
This is why the Dems better allow Bernie to win in 2020. Personally, I will vote Green if he's fucked over again. And if Drumpf is given a second term, don't look at me. I don't want another corporation in the White House.
Too bad AOC isn't 35 yet.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!
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