Thursday, December 9, 2010

12.9.10 Bee-otch of the Day: The Republicans AND the Democrats

Names: the Republican and Democratic parties
Ages: 154, 218
Occupation: the two main parties of this great nation
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: pushing us further down the hole  

GASP! Me giving President Obama the Bee-otch of the Day?

Well, sorta. I will admit that he's far from perfect, but then again, the Republicans are still worse.

Earlier this week, President Obama came to an agreement with both parties that would extend former president Bush's tax cuts for the next two years. Obama championed tax breaks for the middle class, but like the thugs they are, the Repukes told Obama that the middle class could have their tax breaks as long as the wealthy got 'em too. In his statement to the press Tuesday, Obama claimed that the cuts could be allowed to expire at the end of the year, but it would be severely detrimental to the already-ailing economy.

In the end, the rich got what they wanted, the middle class sorta got what they wanted and the deficit's gonna keep expanding.

Oddly enough, my stepdad - a card-carrying conservative - told me that Clinton was a much better president because at least he was reducing the deficit. However, Obama had to tap into funds we don't even have only because we're a sick nation. Bear in mind that Obama's only getting a lovetap on the wrist because it was Bush who REALLY screwed this country over by sucking us into 9/11, two wars and blowing trillions of dollars in bailout money so billionaires ready to lose their asses could still enjoy their wealthy lifestyle while Americans sink deeper and deeper.

Even worse, I cringe at the fact that Nancy Pelosi - as speaker of the house - never expressed interest in incriminating Bush for war crimes. Sadly, while our young men and women died in two wars still being fought over oil, he gets to make millions from a book and one of his bar slut daughters gets to be an education correspondent for The Today Show .

Folks, I hate to say this, but Obama is stuck. He's stuck because of the Republicans are pressuring him to do things their way. After all, they control the media and after the New Year, the House. Their hope is to see this country to eliminate the middle class and force the unlucky and underprivileged into working more hours for less pay. And sadly, the Democrats are proving that they're cowards by allowing this to happen.
Somewhere, FDR is spinning in his grave. 


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!

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