Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3.21 Bee-otch of the Day: Rush Limbaugh

 Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday, Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Friday on


Name: Rush Limbaugh
Age: 61
Occupation: Big Fat Idiot
Last Seen: Palm Beach, FL
Bee-otched For: still losing after all this time


First things first, I'll admit that I'm kinda sick talking about El Rushbo.

All this March, with the exception of the late Andrew Brietbart, all of my Bee-otch of the Days have been Rush-related. However, I feel that the more I talk about the situation regarding Rush's stupidity, the fresher the issue remains. There's so much to talk about in regards to what he did and why it was wrong.

I remember first hearing the word "slut" on TV during an ad for a best-of Saturday Night Live collection in the early 90's. Yep! It was none other than Dan Aykroyd who taught me that nasty 'ol word as the co-anchor ofWeekend Update, doing the weekly Point/Counterpoint against the smart and independent ignorant slut known as Jane Curtin. I was just 10 years old at the time, and didn't really know what that word meant.

Of course, later on, I got into WWE wrestling during their Attitude era. For some odd reason, I criticized them for bleeping that word out during Smackdown! I know, it's not really a bad word, but it's derogatory at best.

When Dan Aykroyd uttered "Jane, you ignorant slut!" on SNL in the late 70's, the way he did it was funny, playing a moronic, conservative news anchor who didn't like being paired with a young, attractive blonde whose IQ was seemingly higher than his. But Mahatma Rushdi did it in a style that wasn't funny, just flat-out stupid.

And he's still paying the price for his actions.

It's been almost three weeks since Rush called Sandra Fluke a slut for defending women's rights in front of the House, and he's lost over 150 advertisers and counting. Earlier in the week, Cumulus Broadcasting, which owns several Rush affiliates - and is rumored to be looking at replacing him with Mike Huckabee on those stations since his show launches next month in his timeslot - received a 'do not air' memo in regards to 31 advertisers that do not want to be associated with his rants. Some of the companies include Progressive Insurance, John Deere and Advance Auto Parts. Yesterday, two more companies bailed out of Rush's show: Medifast and H&R Block.

It's also been noted that Rush's flagship (and it's still technically his flagship even though he's long since moved his show to his mansion in Palm Beach, FL years ago), WABC New York only has been running a few spots during his show since Slutgate began. They were running PSAs, but even those companies told WABC that they didn't want to be associated with his program. Now, they're running promos for other shows, such as Don Imus and Sean Hannity.

Despite the loss of revenue for some of Rush's affiliates, many of whom owned by syndicator Clear Channel like Grand Rapids' WOOD-1300/106.9, from the sounds of things, they're sticking behind him tooth and nail and hoping to allow the storm to fly over. After all, if you visit WOOD's website, yes and sadly, MEIJER is still placing banner ads all over their Rush page. I even visited their Facebook page, and there's a few folks who even told Meijer personally that as long as they keep placing their ad dollars on a man who's been divorced thrice and has no kids, plus refers to women as "feminazis" that they will no longer shop at their store.

Like I said, there's a great deal of people I want to Bee-otch right now that aren't really Rush-related. But as long as we see backlash against Rush, we will win this battle.

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