Wednesday, March 13, 2019

3.13.19 Bee-otches of the Day: the entitled


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: assholes
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: entitling lazy mofos like their kids

Last night, the top news story was about the celebrities and CEOs involved in a scandal that got their children into top schools.

Yep, kids who get to go to college all because mommy was on Full House or Desperate Housewives, two shows I could care less about because respectively, I'm not A) Stewart from Beavis and Butt-head or B) gay.

The news definitely sparking outrage from many, showing that no matter how big your career is, you're not above the law. Just because you have money doesn't mean to you can have your asshole wiped.

Take a look at my late aunt. She worked her way up to being a registered nurse while living in misery with her ex-husband, who was abusive. She finally divorced him and a few years later, she finally bought her first and only house. When she was dying of cancer, her two kids fought over her care. Their own lives with their own families were more important. As a matter of fact, her daughter was here in Michigan visiting her husband's family as she was losing her cancer battle. Her excuse? "We'll come back next month to see her!" She died only weeks later. And then, her son forced her over to his house after he got into a feud with the doctor taking care of her without clothes and most importantly, her meds. While she was at her son's, she had a seizure and never really recovered.

When my aunt died, her two kids - who basically spat at her when she was dying - were entitled to her estate. What's even worse is that neither of them worked real jobs in their lives. Her daughter's last job was working in a tanning salon her now-husband owned. She's now a housewife. Her son only had odd, low-paying jobs until he met his wife in of all places, a Catholic church. I just heard this week that they now live in a five-bedroom home on a lake just outside Detroit.

You see, I hate people who have never done much with their lives and make more than I do. In June, I've worked 17 years at my current job and the first ten years there was a struggle because of my ex-boss. He was anti-raise and turnover at my job was sky high. I didn't get a raise for 10 years and people often asked me why I still lived in the dumpy apartment after all those years. The reason was plain and simple. In the 00s, the price of everything went up while my pay was abhorrent. I felt humiliated, but then again, this was the handiwork of some of the biggest entitled people out there: the Baby Boomers. They elected Reagan, who in turn spat on the middle class, fucked over the unions and in turn created an uncertain future for those in my generation and younger.

Let's face it: if you graduated high school in 1979, you instantly got a job and college was cheap. For me in 2001, I graduated high school with honors and then graduated from a small tech school. When I did, I couldn't get a real job until I got the job I have now in 2002. And don't make me tell you the hell I went through to get to where I am now.

My life's not perfect. I'm not rich, I work over 40 hours a week and I'm single at 37. My last so-called girlfriend cheated me out of a lot of money to fuel her drug habit. She almost got me fired from my job because she was taking my car and phone away from me, causing co-workers to give me rides. Even worse, I just had to ditch an asshole who was simply making my life miserable. He was begging me for money and just asked me to loan him $500. Not. Gonna. Happen. As-is, he has no job, no car and lives in a section eight apartment.

The college scandal reminds me of the King of the Hill episode where Peggy gets lambasted for flunking a star football player, causing him to miss several games. People need to be judged on how hard they work, not sitting around and being privileged. The people involved in the college scandal need to rot in prison for ruining so many peoples' lives. Besides, their kids are wealthy enough thanks to mommy and daddy.

Maybe, just maybe, the next overly-entitled person to be knocked down is a certain somebody who has been a millionaire since he was a kid. Just don't ask for any help from Nancy Pelosi.


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