Tuesday, August 18, 2020

8.18.20 Bee-otches of the Day: people not wearing their damn masks

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on Chuck69.com.


Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: various
Bee-otched For: 
not wearing a mask... still


It's a call nobody wants to get. But on Sunday, my mother got one.

That evening, she and I were watching the Oscar-winning film "The Shape of Water" when her phone got a text. It was her niece and my cousin, asking if she could call her. We paused the movie (I've seen it twice, so no hurt feelings) and she called. I knew that it had to do with my aunt in Toledo, who is 75, obese and type II diabetic. 

Saturday night, my cousin - who is expecting her first grandchild - and her husband took their camper to Toledo to visit my aunt and her mom. They left their campground Sunday morning and wanted to say goodbye to her mom. However, the phone kept ringing with no answer. Later that morning, my cousin called her sister to check on her. She came over, knocked on the door and my aunt was screaming for help. 

My aunt had fallen out of her bathtub and broke her arm.

She laid naked on the floor for four hours, waiting for help. She was thankful her two daughters were concerned about her and without them, who knows what would have happened to her. She was rushed to the hospital where they discovered that her arm was broken by her right shoulder. They wanted to release her because of COVID-19, but her children said that they wanted to keep her there so they could operate on her. 

To make matters worse, thanks to COVID-19, only my aunt's son is allowed in the hospital with her. 

Sadly, I'll admit that my aunt is far from perfect. As mentioned, she allowed herself to fall apart with poor eating and exercise habits. She once had nine(!!!) cats and they would roam the second floor of her house peeing and pooping all over the place. Not long ago when my aunt was at the hospital for another reason, my cousins went inside the house and noticed that the upstairs floorboard had rotted thanks to years of cat urine. Now, they worry that in order for the house to sell, it would have to be remodeled extensively. Since my aunt is no longer mobile and walks around with a walker, her children are fighting her to move out and live in a place that's more geared towards seniors. But, she's kicking and screaming.

And to make matters worse, she's a Drumpf supporter. 

To me, Drumpf supporters are in a sea of denial, just like my aunt. She thinks that Obama was the Antichrist, but Drumpf is a man of God. And this is a woman who can't even see most of her family all because of the fact that because of Drumpf, America is one of the worst nations on the fucking planet because of the disease. Sorry to say this, but she did it to herself.

Because Drumpf is not tough on masks, we have morons who all think that COVID-19 is a lie. As a result, they tell others that masks are optional. But when people cough and COVID-19 drops touch another person, they will end up with the disease. 

Up near Charlevoix in Antrim County sits Atwood, a small town known for golfing and tractor dealerships. It's also the home of Friske Orchards, whose owners are now suing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer because they think her mask mandate is unconstitutional. As a matter of fact, their lawyer is also representing two other lawsuits against the Governor, even though her mandate is legal based on a 1945 ruling. 

Ya know, I was hoping that the warm weather would have killed COVID-19 by now. But, no. Instead, it's getting worse because of assholes who love to travel - pandemic or not - and make people sick. Why? Because they don't give two shits about others. They don't wash their hands when they use the bathroom, they don't socially distance and they sure as hell don't wear a fucking mask! 

Finally, yesterday, I saw a report on the sister of Sharon Stone's sister battling COVID-19. She's in a hospital with trouble breathing from the virus. In a statement, Stone said that she's voting for Joe Biden and is telling people "don't vote for a killer".

If people wore a mask no matter what the situation, COVID-19 would be gone by now. It's time to wake up. I'm happy that Whitmer has beefed up mask wearing in Michigan and that every shop owner has the right to kick out everybody who doesn't wear one. Also, SHAME on anybody who goes into Short's Brewpub in Bellaire who has threatened their staff just because they come in without a mask. It's time to wake up, people.

As for Sharon Stone, we'll never forget that famous scene in "Basic Instinct" where she exposes her private parts. However, those who don't wear masks are bigger pussies.


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on http://beeotchoftheday.blogspot.com

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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