Thursday, August 20, 2020

8.20.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Rick Snyder

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Rick Snyder
Age: 62
Occupation: stuffed turd
Last Seen: Ann Arbor, MI
Bee-otched For: 
costing Michiganders $600 miilion


It's a shame when failed businessmen decide that it's a wonderful idea to be politicians. 

After all, Drumpf bankrupted several casinos and several of his products were discontinued. Remember Trump Steaks and Trump Ice Water? How about Trump University?

Of course, we had Republican pRick Snyder, who was this state's governor from 2011 to 2019 when he was term-limited. He was replaced with the current governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who has been lauded by many for her response to COVID-19. And yes, hated by Republicans and anti-maskers.

The asshole who ran down Gateway Computers made Michigan a Right-to-Work (for less) state (thanks to his puppeteers the DeVos family) and invaded every African American-heavy city in Michigan by appointing emergency managers to run the city instead of elected officials.

Thanks to Snyder, Flint - still hurting from the disappearance of factory jobs - went from having edible water from Lake Huron to lead-tainted swill from a river that the automakers dumped their waste in for over a century. The water was so bad that the automakers refused to use it because it rusted their parts. As a result, Snyder's whoops became one of the biggest environmental disasters maybe not just in Michigan's history, but in the world's history.

It's no secret that Snyder did all this to be nice to big corporations like Nestle who wanted our water so badly. They only pay $200 per year to pump water from our state and sell it for billions. Us Michiganders are lucky to be surrounded by good, clean water. Yet, thanks to Snyder, Flint became an extreme exception.

Now, we're paying the price.

Today, the State of Michigan announced that they will pay $600 million to victims of the Flint water crisis. Nearly 80% of the money will aid those who were under 18 at the time when the water crisis began. It is well-known that lead poisoning leads to developmental issues and some of the money will also help with special education. However, some are claiming that the $600 million is not enough. Nayyirah Shariff, who runs the group Flint Rising told the Detroit Free Press that she now has seizures from drinking the water. She told the paper that she probably won't get $6,000 from the settlement. 

So, whatever happened to Snyder? He's probably sitting and relaxing at his home in Ann Arbor while all the peasants he fucked over in Flint are all having seizures and will probably have to live on EBT forever since they're all brain damaged. It's sick that Michigan got stuck with that douchebag who told us that he would save Michigan money. Now, he's making us pay the price.

Once again, he's one stuffed turd.


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