Wednesday, March 3, 2021

3.3.21 Bee-otches of the Day: those STILL not taking COVID-19 seriously

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on's socials.

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Age: various
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Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: STILL not taking COVID seriously


We should be thankful that we have a president who is taking Barney Fife's advice and nipping it in the bud.

Since Joe Biden took control of the White House, we now have three COVID-19 vaccines on the market from Pfizer and Moderna. Just this week, Johnson and Johnson's vaccine hit the market, and it's a game changer. True, it's only 72% effective, but, it only takes one shot instead of two. Plus, it's still more effective than a flu shot.

Because of this, Biden is now promising that all Americans could be vaccinated by the end of May. Hopefully, this could be the end of the COVID nightmare that's a year old and quite frankly, we're getting sick of. 

But, leave it up to the fucking Catholic Church to tell us that taking the J&J vaccine is a no-no.

Several bishops and dioceses are urging people to not get the J&J vax because the cells used to make it come from tissues of aborted fetuses from the 1980s. However, health experts are urging people that they should take the vax that's offered to them by their doctor.

It's no doubt that the vaccines that Pfizer and Moderna have given us so far are helping. Hospital beds are seeing more vacancies and the amount of people getting the disease is starting to taper off. However, there's still a long road ahead. It's too bad that You can't say that to Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas. 

On Tuesday, he announced that he's virtually reopening the Lone Star State by ending mask mandates and restaurants could reopen to full capacity. Ah, yes, another asshole who would rather "risk it for the brisket" like Buc-ee's than to listen to scientists. 

Sadly, it's pitiful that some religious nuts and conservative pricks all think that science and religion cannot co-exist. In the case of the Catholic Church, they think that once the sperm reaches the egg, it's human life. Scientists, however, don't think so and I agree. As somebody who has dealt with adopted people who ended up becoming assholes - including one who even died from an accidental drug overdose - all I can say is that in too many cases, people have a better life dying in the womb over living a shitty life. But considering that this is the Catholic Church, they want more boys born anyway to create more *ahem* victims.

And then, there's Greg Abbott, who has proven that having lax policies regarding COVID-19 just simply don't work. Same with breaking the power grid off from the rest of the country and not winterizing anything. Judging by the dumbasses walking ON the freeways in Dallas after the snowstorm, a true Texan simply can't survive. 

I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I wish somebody could take Greg Abbott, kidnap him and throw him in the middle of a forest without his wheelchair. He's a horrible human being like every governor in Texas post Ann Richards. Don't Mess With Texas? Sorry, but us Michiganders know that if we get a foot of snow, school stays open. Texans might drive bigger trucks with bullhorns on the hood, but our balls are bigger in the snow. 

And surprise! Our governor is smarter, too.


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