Tuesday, April 13, 2021

4.13.21 Bee-otch of the Day: those against wanting to close up Michigan

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on Chuck69.com's socials.

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Bee-otched For: not wanting to close up Michigan again


When the state of Michigan was starting to become a hotspot for COVID-19 last year, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was seen by health experts as a hero for shutting the state down. 

But, in the world of business, she was seen as the Antichrist.

It was a fact that when Michigan shut down for several months last year, restaurants, movie theaters and other nonessential businesses shuttered. But, Whitmer felt the pressure, especially when a near-insurrection was held at the Michigan Capitol. Whitmer used a law from the 1940s to protect her people. And then, the state Supreme Court - led by Republicans - told her that the jig was up. 

Whitmer is now weak and powerless in the fight against COVID-19 because of the Repukes who think that it's a hoax and that we shouldn't have to worry about a little bug that can send you to the hospital and has killed nearly three million people worldwide. She's even begged the White House for more help with COVID vaccines and Biden has told her, "no can do". 

True, Whitmer can recommend that businesses, schools and other places be closed. But, it's an issue of being able to pay off the mortgage every month or not getting COVID. And because of this, Michigan is now America's hotspot for the disease. 

For nearly a week, Michigan has been the epicenter for COVID-19. Just today alone, the state received 8,867 new cases of the disease. The Wolverine State now has over 230,000 cases of COVID and over 830,000 people in the state of nearly 10 million have gotten infected.

Yesterday, Centers of Disease Control head Rochelle Walensky recommended that Michigan shut down again and that vaccines alone will not solve the problem. She pointed out that it takes weeks for the vaccine to start working and to take effect.

The tragedy about Michigan is that true, it's a blue state, but, like many other states, once you get out into the country, it's more red than a bleeding heart. Many have cried that all Whitmer wants to do is kill small businesses in the state. The reality is, is that the virus is pretty much real and it will kill. 

Until Whitmer and the rest of the state can come to a deal, the only thing us Michiganders - and the rest of us - can do is wear a mask, get vaccinated and avoid going to places you don't need to go to. True, the weather is improving and we all want to go outside, but the virus is very much alive and well. So, until the pandemic is over, simply relax so the rest of us don't have to worry about it. 

America: the country that doesn't seem to mind wanting to kill itself.


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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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