Wednesday, April 7, 2021

4.7.21 Bee-otches of the Day: COVID-19 ignorers

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on's socials.

Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: not wanting to end COVID


There's a saying that many are misusing these days: "follow the science".

A few weeks ago, I saw an old lady wear a mask with that statement in a red state briefing. To me, it states, "kids can't get COVID-19. Put 'em back in school!"

Try telling that to one of my co-workers. 

Last week, his 12-year-old daughter was diagnosed with COVID. As a result, he now has to stay home until she's better since he was exposed to her. Thankfully, he was vaccinated against the disease. 

Obviously, the right is bitching about kids not being in school and blaming the unions on what they called "lazy teachers". In reality, teachers are people, too, and they get sick worse than their students. Here in west Michigan, several teachers have died from COVID. Honestie Hodges was just 14 when COVID took her from the world last November. She made headlines when she was just 11 when Grand Rapids Police handcuffed her at gunpoint while looking for a murder suspect. It is tragic on how much trauma she faced on her extremely short life on this orb.

Just today, Michigan received the highest amount of new cases of COVID: 9,369. It was also eighth place in terms of deaths from the disease at 30. Among them was Dave Sherbert, a longtime radio personality in the Grayling area known for hosting the morning shows on rock station Q100 and its predecessor, country Y100. He only retired a few years ago and was 69. 

As of this writing, only a fifth of Michigan residents are fully vaccinated while 32% have had at least one dose. It puts Michigan in a better spot than Texas, where 29% of the state's residents have gotten one dose of the vaccine and 17% have had both doses. Of course, many are angered over the Texas Rangers' decision to open up their ballpark to a crowd of 38,000 a few nights ago with hardly anyone wearing a mask.

Sadly, when the news regarding the COVID vaccines were released, both states and people jumped the gun. Airports are now at pre-pandemic levels. People are traveling and coming back with COVID. This is why people are foolish when it comes to the disease. 

I know. I'm tired of COVID and you're tired of COVID. But, we have to follow the REAL science here, and it's the fact that the pandemic is still here and getting worse. People need to stop acting stupid and they need to keep wearing masks and keep apart from others. Just because you think you're healthy doesn't mean that you're not immune from the virus. When it's your turn, get your shot and hopefully by this Summer, this fucking thing will be long gone.

Together, we can make things go back to normal.


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