Wednesday, April 21, 2021

4.21.21 Bee-otch of the Day: Ted Nugent

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on's socials.

Name: Ted Nugent
Age: 72
Occupation: has-been rocker
Last Seen: Texas
Bee-otched For: learning that karma's a bitch

My, how the mighty have fallen. 

Recently, we gave the BOTD bitchslap to Ted Nugent for his idiotic rant regarding COVID-19. He whined about not being able to tour this summer and the fact that there wasn't mandates for COVIDs one through eighteen. 

Well, the has-been rocker learned a lesson: karma's a bitch.

On Monday, the aging douchebag announced on Facebook Live that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and that he had never been so sick in his life.

In the video, Nugent called COVID-19 "the Chinese shit" and claimed that he had flu symptoms for ten days. On the day of the video, Nugent cried that he had trouble crawling out of bed. 

The ardent Drumpf supporter and pedophile once called the pandemic a "leftist scam". Now, he's calling his remaining fans to get vaccinated after months of downplaying the virus. 

One of the lessons I've learned about COVID deniers is that many end up contracting the virus sooner or later. Going to a crowded arena? Not a problem. Flying on an overbooked plane? Ditto. Now, how Buttnugget got the 'rona is a mystery to me. Then again, he lives in Texas, where the mask mandate has been lifted. 

Folks, I just got my second dose of vaccine today and so far, so good. My arm's a little sore, but that's all for now. The reason I got the vaccine is because I care about my health and the health of others. Michigan is the hotbed of COVID right now and I want this damn thing to go away so I can live life again. I want to go to concerts, travel, eat out and go to movies again. COVID has indeed made life tough for us all and the COVID deniers who allow Alex Jones, OANN and other sources of happy horseshit to brainwash their souls are simply making our lives worse. 

I love it how people will promote the wrong things and then karma hits them hard. Rush Limbaugh defended the tobacco industry for years and died from lung cancer. My grandmother had diabetes and still ate candy. She ended up dying of a heart attack brought on by the disease. People don't know how to check themselves before they wreck themselves. Ted Nugent getting COVID is karma for believing that all's well when it isn't.

In life, when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


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