Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2.6.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: Cheeto
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: another sleepy SOTU

Well, last night, Drumpf had his little State of the Union. I didn't watch it and guess what? The sun rose and went down today.

I'm at that point where I know that every little thing that poops out of his orange mouth will be pure shit. From what I've heard, he talked about the Russia investigation and immigration. Yawn. That seven-year-old he invited because of his last name would agree.

The winners last night it seemed were the women. Stacy Abrams, who ran for governor in Georgia gave the Democratic response. I read a chunk of her speech and tell you the truth, SHE should be the president! While Drumpf wants to build a wall based on racist lies, Abrams claims that it's time to make life better for all.

Ya know, it's funny that all the MAGAt yokels who voted for him are all in denial. He simply used them to use their hard-earned money to fly to and from Mar-a-Lago and his wealth. I just heard early this morning that 250 jobs are leaving Ludington in northern Michigan. For a town of 8,000, it is a sizable blow.

I hope to God that the Dems grow a pair so Drumpf will be out in 2020. If all they get are a bunch of moderates, even with his pathetic 37% approval rating, he will win with the aid of the white man's affirmative action, aka the electoral college. Just think, do you think 2008 was bad? Wait a few more years, baby.

At least Dubya gave us money.

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