Monday, May 20, 2019

5.20.19 Bee-otches of the Day: pro-life people


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: pro-lifers
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: being idiots

Ah, the joys of online dating.

With my 38th birthday one week away, I still wonder if she's out there. I had a few close calls, but nothin' doin'.

I know this for a fact: she ain't in Hudsonville, the ultra-conservative western suburb of Grand Rapids.

Last night, I matched with that woman. She responded with "what are your thoughts about climate change?" I responded with that we need to reduce our carbon footprint. After asking a few more questions, she asked about my stance on abortion. I told her that it's a women's choice. She continued on with shit like "we need to protect children!" and "life begins at conception!" and blah blah blah. I asked her how if she felt if she was raped and get pregnant. Her answer? "I think I would put it up for adoption." Then, she tried to change the topic by asking "how would you feel if a child was bitten by a mosquito?"

Needless to say, I would NOT want this ho to be my babymomma. To quote Sheldon Leonard as the bartender from "It's A Wonderful Life", "OUT, OUT YOU GO!"

Ya know, if there's a type of woman I can't stand, it's one who's pro-life. To me, a pro-life woman is the equivalent to a black man wanting to join the KKK. A woman who chooses to allow her body to carry her rapist's child for nine months is simply honoring her rapist. And if she chooses to put the kid up for adoption, chances are that it will end up on the streets at 18, unloved and cared for. If I married a woman who hid a pregnancy before we married, I would be pissed.

All this shit about abortion reminds me of a woman I once knew. She worked for the same company for 40 years. She started working on one of the machines in the plant and then she became a lift truck driver. Many years ago, when her factory was asking workers whether or not they wanted to join a union, she refused. Some sections went union, others - like her department - did not. Well, she paid the price for being a scab.

One day, she drove her hi-lo into a support arch, causing damage to the grandfathered building. Her bosses ended up laying her off, telling her that her driving was dangerous. After all, she was now pushing 60. However, she claimed that she was fired because she was one of the highest-paid in her plant. They told her that she would be reassigned to the job she had before driving the hi-lo. But, she would have to wait until an opening occurred. A few months later, she got a check in the mail from her company. It was employee-owned, and the check was her share in the company. She was officially fired.

At the same time, her husband was also laid off from his construction job. After all, this was about 10 years ago and the the great recession was in full effect. So guess where she ended up? MY COMPANY! She definitely wasn't the greatest worker in the world since she was slower than molasses. One time, I uttered her saying something to the effect of "I used to be against unions, but being here, I might reconsider my position." It made perfect sense since she was now getting paid less than $10 per hour. Plus, our boss at the time was an asshole who treated us all like horseshit. Well, the shit hit the fan for her when she got pissed off enough by telling him "you don't care about us, don't you?" This, of course, after she learned that she was getting paid less than new hires doing the same job.

Oh, and that boss retired two months later. She was the last person he fired.

You know, people will be against something until reality hits them. It's like the Iraq War. Many of the politicians who voted for the war wouldn't allow their own children to enter the military. Nope, it was regular human beings that had to fight that war.

The sad thing is that women in several states like Ohio, Alabama and Georgia now have to suffer with their stupid heartbeat laws. Now, Louisiana's ready to pass a similar bill, and guess what? The bill's sponsor and the state's governor are both DEMOCRATS! Sorry, but if your name has a (D) after it and you're pro-life, please chop your balls off.

All I can say is that I hope this war against women will end, no matter what. The best way, of course, is for the Democratic National Committee to do away with the bullshit that fucked over Bernie Sanders in 2016. I hope Bernie can win it all in 2020. We need a PROGRESSIVE that will protect all Americans - especially women - instead of just evangelicals who are more interested in protecting zygotes instead of all humans.

The pro-lifers: people who only care about peanuts while the elephants walk by.


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