Wednesday, May 29, 2019

5.29.19 Bee-otch of the Day: red states

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: red states
Age: ageless
Occupation: states with lots of assholes
Last Seen: everywhere, especially in the south
Bee-otched For: bad weather

When I was young, I learned of a thing called "karma".

Yes, karma, where if something bad happens to you,  the person or persons responsible for your pain will get punished. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it might be years from now.

And the people of Ohio, Missouri and other red states are feeling it.

Mass flooding has hit Nebraska, Iowa in many other States. Tornadoes even hit Ohio, including Dayton where a TV weatherman went viral because he interrupted The Bachelorette to report a tornado warning.

The sad reality is this: sometimes, I wonder why tornadoes hit red states more than they do blue states. True, bad weather happens everywhere. As a matter of fact. my area has been prone to earthquakes and even a tornado a few years ago. Is it karma, or is it just God telling red states how fucked up they are?

I know at least one person who is getting hard by karma. He is a guy I once knew on a broadcasting message board from many years ago. He seemed to be a very nice guy, until he paid a trip to Northeastern Michigan several years ago and developed a whole new user name from a motor lodge he was staying at.  He shared that user name with several other folks on this message board and they started harassing and bullying me. Well, guess what happened here?  His hometown in Ohio was leveled off of the map. All I can say to him is that sucks to be him. Payback is a bitch.

Yes, I know. I'm turning into Pat Robertson, going around telling people that Florida is going to get hit by a hurricane because of Gay Day at Disneyworld. Well I know: bad things happen to both bad and good people. But you know. I love it when bad people have to suffer the most for the pain they cause to good people. In the case of all these idiotic red states that pass anti-abortion laws, they only care about peanuts while the elephants walk by. All they are doing is creating more unwanted babies, and worst of all, more poverty.

So, if you choose to live in a place where you are very likely going to get hit by a tornado and you lose your home, don't look at me, especially if you vote Republican. Sadly, Republicans are part of the huge problem we have here in America. I know, wishing for their deaths is not nice, but with more and more people turning to the left, all I can say is that if the right lose their home, their car and everything else, it will suck to be them.

And we all shine on.


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