Wednesday, June 26, 2019

6.26.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Karl Rove

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Karl Rove
Age: 68
Occupation: George W. Bush's asslicker
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: spreading lies about healthcare

As the 2020 election season begins, the ads will clearly pick up soon.

And already, one commercial is really starting to piss me off.

It's the ad that features a bunch of people holding up signs that read "six weeks", "two months" and other seemingly long increments of time. The narrator of the ad claims that people who live in nations that have universal healthcare wait longer to see a doctor. The commercial was for an organization called One Nation America. And guess who created that motley crew?

Does the name Karl Rove ring a bell?

Yes, THAT Karl Rove. You know, one of George W. Bush's longtime henchman? The guy who helped him defeat John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election by releasing an Osama bin Laden video just days before the election? The same guy who wouldn't testify in front of Congress, so he both resigned and claimed executive privilege? Yep, that asshole.

Ya know, the Dubya years were some of the worst years in my life. Let's remember that when Dubya left the White House, we had one of the worst economic disasters in history, plus three fake wars that caused 4,000 innocent Americans to die.

And this asshole wants us to think that universal healthcare is a bad thing? OK, so how come you rarely see anybody from Canada, Australia, Japan or England move here anymore? Simple: LIFE IS BETTER OVER THERE!

Look, Repukes only want hard-working Americans to suffer even more. For ten years, I worked the same job with no raise while my wealthy boss went on vacation every two weeks or so. People always wondered why I didn't buy a house. Simple answer: I COULDN'T AFFORD ONE. And now, the housing market has exploded so much that I still can't afford to move out of here. Rent in downtown Grand Rapids is now $1,000 per month at most places. Even my mom had to move here to Grand Rapids because she was priced out of her apartment in Phoenix.

So, I've done my research. If Rove and his minions do a good job brainwashing people with those ads, they done a good job. I hope before I die, America gets single-payer universal healthcare. Or better yet, SOON.

Yes, you might have to wait a little longer for your surgery, but at least it will be FREE.


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