Monday, June 3, 2019

6.3.19 Bee-otch of the Day: National Rifle Association


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: National Rifle Association
Age: 148
Occupation: Repukes
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: another shooting

Another day, another shooting.

This time, it's Virginia Beach, Virginia, where a former city employee gunned down 12 people. Eleven of them were fellow co-workers.

Right before he opened fire on his former co-workers, the perpetrator put in his resignation. Nobody really knows his motive quite yet, but it is known that he was an engineer for the city of Virginia Beach.

The shooting in Virginia Beach was the biggest shooting so far this year. But still, 12 people is 12 people too many.

Virginia Beach isn't too far from Washington DC. Maybe that's why Drumpf unfortunately showed up to a memorial to the victims last weekend before he went out to England to make an ass of himself. I know, you conservatives will cry that at least be banned bump stocks. But that's not enough. We need to stop selling guns to people who don't need them.

But as long as the NRA and other Second Amendment-friendly organizations keep buying our politicians, this is what we get. Recently in Japan, there was a guy who stabbed a whole bunch of people. But thankfully, many of his victims will survive.

It's been 20 years since Columbine, and we really haven't done JACK SHIT to stop all those shootings. Since then, words like "Sandy Hook" and "Parkland" have all been introduced to our vocabulary for all the wrong reasons. And what angers me is when people call shooting victims of these massacres words like "libtards". All because they were thisclose to being shot to death.

Funny thing is that this shooting's in Virginia Beach, the home of Pat Robertson and The 700 Club. Maybe it's karma for him in regard to him praying for hurricanes for Florida because of Gay Day at Disneyworld.


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