Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1.14.20 Bee-otch of the Day: the media


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on Chuck69.com.


Name: the media
Age: ageless
Occupation: entertainers and informers of the general public
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: trying to slam Bernie                                                                 


Hard to believe it, but crunch time is around the corner.

The Iowa Caucus is February 3rd and according to NBC, Joe Biden is in the lead.

Or at least that's what the Peacock says.

Last night, the NBC Nightly News talked about how Elizabeth Warren is claiming that Bernie Sanders told her that a woman cannot win the presidency in America. Of course, Sanders said the opposite 32 years ago.

Simply put, NBC and other media titans want one thing and one thing only: for Sanders to lose the Democratic ticket so he can't go after big corporations like parent company Comcast. So, they claim that Biden is now kicking his ass so he can win Iowa and make Sanders get butthurt.

I also love it when the media calls Warren a "progressive". Sorry, but corporations love her. Morgan Stanley, Google, AT&T, Kaiser Permanente, Amazon and others are among her top donors. And we all know when she accepts $$$ from a health insurer like KP: hush money to make healthcare in America not even a priority.

The latest Democratic debate is only in a few minutes. I can't wait til the gloves come off!

All I can say is that the proof is in the pudding. We'll see if the media's right on February 4th when the results come in regarding the Iowa Caucus. This will be definitely an exciting year, and even more exciting when Drumpf is removed out of the White House in either a vote or even better, handcuffs (though I suspect vote).

But, if Drumpf is still in the White House January 20, 2021, Let's hope and pray that Bernie's right and a woman can take the Oval Office then. A woman with those initials AOC.


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on http://beeotchoftheday.blogspot.com

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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