Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1.29.20 Bee-otch of the Day: climate change

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Climate Change
Age: infinity
Occupation: the reason why we can't have nice things
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: the reason why we're sick                                                                 


Every year, I make it a point to get my flu shot.

I did last year and a few months later, I still had so much pain in my stomach that I had to stay home for a day. I got my shot a few months ago and now, I have some achy muscles. Last night, I woke up to go pee and came back to bed in a cold sweat. But oddly enough, I was well enough to go to work.

Several of my coworkers weren't as lucky. Yesterday and today, at least two of them called out sick. A woman I was talking with claimed that eight people were absent and according to my mom, an RN she know's hospital has been non-stop with flu patients since last Fall.

Yes, it seems that the flu shot isn't going to help you fight all strains of the disease. Hell, we're now stuck with the Corona Virus that's immigrating itself from China. And sadly, lemon slices won't help it, nor the fact that it came from a weird market that sold bats and other animals as food (and no, I won't delve into the Dollar Menu).

In these past few months, we've heard it all: the Australia Brush Fire that killed countless animals, the Amazon fire and waterfront homes here in Michigan falling over a cliff. Climate change and environmental change is no joke; just ask those who have heard the story of Singapore, Michigan. Over 140 years ago, it was a thriving logging town near Saugatuck, but thanks to too many trees being cut down, the sand kicked up and buried every building in its sight. Today, sand dunes are what's left of Singapore.

I know, last year in Grand Rapids, it was VERY cold. But this year, it's a different story and I think it's adding to the sickness out there. I'm around a lot more people coughing and hacking, which is causing the flu in the first place.

Look, the fact that our Earth is sick is nothing short but sad. I do wish there were more people out there to promote awareness instead of morons like our troubled de facto president who thinks it's time to dig for more coal and oil. No! Alternative energy's been around for centuries and we should use it to its full potential.

And maybe next year, it won't be in the range for sickness to occur for too long.


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