Wednesday, February 12, 2020

2.12.20 Bee-otches of the Day: all Democrats running for president except Bernie


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: not dropping out of the presidential race quite yet                                                                 


Well, it's official: the media has no choice but to declare the truth: Bernie Sanders is for real.

In yesterday's New Hampshire primary, the independent Vermont senator won with 26% of the vote. Pete Buttigieg had 24% while Amy Klobichar had just under 20% of the vote.

Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden rounded out the top five.

Meanwhile, former tech exec Andrew Yang - who told his followers that he would pay every adult in America $1,000 per month - and some guy from Colorado both dropped out of the race. Judging by footage I saw on the news, one of the candidates' rallies was on a street corner. It reminds me of an old sketch on Conan showing the Acer Computers convention, complete with an ICP wannabe for the entertainment.

Now, some people love Mayor Pete. He's younger than I am, he's gay and he's more in the center than Bernie. Not to mention that his husband, Chasten is from my neck of the woods, Traverse City, MI. But guess what? I have a friend on Facebook who happens to be an openly-lesbian pastor and even SHE wouldn't vote for him. Why? Because Pete's pro-military. He supported our invasion of Afghanistan and opposed Obama's commuting of Chelsea Manning's sentence for her sending documents to WikiLeaks. True, he supports improving healthcare, women's rights and combating climate change. But, come on! We've been in Afghanistan for too fucking long.

To me, Pocahontas Warren is done, especially after what she did to Bernie not long ago with her "he doesn't support a woman president" bullshit. Biden is simply a creep, and his quick jaunt to South Carolina was a simple white flag for his election.

The Nevada Caucus is a week from Saturday while South Carolina's primary is a week afterward. My home state of Michigan's primary is on March 10, roughly a month from now.

The voters have spoken, and America is tired of establishment candidates who sound like they talk out of their ass. Biden and Warren are two glowing examples. Soon, I'll suspect more candidates like Tulsi "Present" Gabbard and Tom Steyer will drop out.

It's becoming a dead heat between Sanders and Buttigieg, but personally, Bernie deserves it better. It's time for universal healthcare, it's time for our young people to pay off their debts and it's time for us to get the FUCK OUT OF FAKE WARS. The farther to the left the next POTUS is, the better.

And I hope there's not another superdelegate system out there to fuck it all up again.


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