Monday, June 1, 2020

6.1.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on



Name: Donald Trump
Age: 73
Occupation: thug
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: favoring bad cops over humans                                                              


We've all seen the meme with Fred Rogers, smiling with one of his trademark cardigan sweaters and a tie. The image has the caption, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'"

Since the murder of George Floyd by the knee of a racist cop in Minneapolis a week ago today, many major towns and cities have faced the wrath of protests that escalated into clashes between normal, everyday human beings and ballless cops. We've seen it happen not just in Minneapolis, but Detroit, New York - where police vehicles mauled protesters - and now, my hometown of Grand Rapids.

What started as a peaceful demonstration Saturday evening for Black Lives Matter turned into chaos. As 2,000 people marched to downtown, cops started to circle the demonstrators like buzzards, making them very uncomfortable. What the pigs did was simply rile up the protesters, causing them to loot stores and even vandalize the city's Police Department building. The police even pelted the protesters with tear gas and pepper bullets As of this writing, downtown Grand Rapids is loaded with broken windows, graffiti reading everything from "fuck the police", "fuck 12" and "ACAB".

Granted, what happened in GR is nothing comparing to Minneapolis, where buildings burned to the ground. A few police cruisers did catch fire along with a few dumpsters. But, that was it.

It's also worth noting that downtown Grand Rapids - despite being Michigan's second-largest city - doesn't have many chain stores unlike other major cities. It does, however have plenty of office buildings, bars and restaurants and small, family-owned shops. Still, many of those businesses affected were family-owned and struggled since the outbreak of COVID-19.

On Sunday afternoon, scores of volunteers boarded up windows, swept glass and wiped away graffiti downtown. Mayor Rosalynn Bliss enacted a 7 p.m. curfew that day. Tonight, another protest was held, complete with police and National Guard personal. Grand Rapids' black police chief Eric Payne tried to talk to the protesters, but he did not join them in solidarity when asked. When 7 p.m. hit, both police and military started to target the protesters by shooting rubber bullets once again. At least one person was hit, showing off his mark to TV reporters. Several arrests were made and by 7:30, the streets were emptied. 

But back to Mr. Rogers' quote, it was tough to find who the helpers were on Saturday night. To me, this simply reminded me of the movie "Joker" from last year. We all grew up knowing that The Joker was an evil nemesis of Batman, along with The Riddler, The Penguin and Catwoman. But, in "Joker", he was simply the lesser of the evils. Why? He was the victim of a broken, fucked-up system.

And regretfully, so were the protesters. And obviously, the pigs who shot tear gas, pepper bullets and whatever else into the crowd were definitely not on their side.

And to make matters worse, we have an inept leader who isn't on America's side, either.

Yes, the Tweeter-in-Chief was making some feckless tweets from the White House shitter these past few days. One of them lovingly said, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts!"Amazingly enough, he's not the first person to say that quote. Back in the 1960s, it was used by many segregationists, including four-term Alabama governor and failed presidential candidate George Wallace. Of course, we all knew what happened to him. Thankfully, Wallace was never elected president. However in 2016, the south rose again.

It's plain and simple: Drumpf is a racist and ignorant, plain and simple. I don't want to hear that he talked to George Floyd's family when they claimed that he was talking all over them. Calling the protesters "thugs" isn't cool, either.

Tonight at 6:45 p.m., Drumpf walked onto the White House front lawn to tell the media and the world that he was going to bring more military and police onto the streets of cities hit by rioters. He of course referred to the protesters as "thugs" and talked about how important the Second Amendment was in this situation. To me, this reminded me of the Kent State protests and this infamous picture  . 

The point is, is that most of the protesters here in Grand Rapids seemed to be people in their 20s and younger. This is a huge portion of the general population that's long been underserved. It's a sad state of affairs that this is a city whose cunt of a mayor calls herself a "Democrat" and has bowed to billionaires like the Devoses. Grand Rapids is a melting pot. We have whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians, plus refugees from Africa, Vietnam and Bosnia. Yet, this is a city that's run by Hollanders and the Christian Reformed Church, who misuse the Bible to tell gays, women and people of color that they don't have a spot at their table. Assholes who worship a man who told people that wealth is a sin and healed the sick and yet they do the opposite.

Folks, you say shit and you get hit. What the protesters did this weekend is karma to a system that has oppressed them for ages. Instead of the American Dream, we're squeaking by while billionaires profit off of their workers. I'm almost 40 and I can't start a family because every girl I meet online has two or three jobs. They're riddled with massive amounts of college debt. In the days since Reagan, unions have been busted, the middle class is now the working poor and for the first time in ages, fewer people are having children. With the way things are going, it's not going to get any better, especially since the main person going against Drumpf this fall is somebody who is weird around women and has also done damage to blacks by building a ton of prisons.

While I feel for the country, I will say that I did adhere to Mother Rogers and found some helpers. Flint has been a town ravaged by constant factory closures, weak mayors and pRick Snyder forcing their residents to drink tainted water. The last thing the city needed was a riot. On Saturday, with weapons in their hands, several Flint cops did the right thing. They dropped their weapons and hugged the protesters. If the police truly were our friend instead of protecting the 1%, we wouldn't have all the rioting here in America today.

Look, we need police to be our friends. We need them to be there when somebody's breaking into our homes or if we've been shot. However, I think many of us have had bad experiences with the police. I've only been given a tiny amount of cease and desist orders since I started blogging 21 years ago. Two of them were from people associated with the police. One was from a reserve cop who had mental problems and was harassing me on a popular message board. The other was from the son of an officer in Traverse City whose other son murdered an innocent teenage girl and is in prison for the next three decades. And guess what? The father of the murderer is still a cop. Just because you wear a badge doesn't mean that you're above the law. This blog is protected under the First Amendment. I do not provoke violence or bigotry on here. If you have a problem with me, karma will kick your ass. Trust me. When you allow yourself to fail, I know that I've won.

Shit like the uprising here in Grand Rapids this weekend is why I started this blog. I know what it's like to be underserved. I'm happy to say that many of the people who've tried to bring me down have had karma hit them. HARD. The people of Grand Rapids and America have spoken. There's a lot that needs so this country can heal. Having a president who sides with pigs, racists and those who bear Gadsden flags is not it. We need to move forward. We need to heal.

Wake me up when 2020 ends.


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