Wednesday, June 3, 2020

6.3.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on



Name: Donald Trump
Age: 73
Occupation: hypocrite
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: going to church                                                              


For years, I was told that you should never compare a US president to Hitler and that the only person you should compare to Hitler is Hitler himself.

Also, I grew up being told that dissing the president is very unpatriotic.

But thanks to Drumpf and the last several Rethuglican presidents before him, I've thrown all that logic down the shitter. It's safe to say that this week, Drumpf's attitude towards the Black Lives Matter protesters is so bad, I hope to god that IF he's elect-er, I mean, CHOSEN for a second term, he won't be firing up any ovens.

The fact that on Twitter, he called Antifa a terrorist group shows how extremely far to the right he is. He's way to the right of Attila the Hun, and - dare I say it - Hitler and the devil. Maybe he truly is Satan himself.

The fact that he's forcing our nation's governors to enable the National Guard to stop rioting and to enact curfews makes the world laugh at us. The fact that he's turning peaceful protests into militant attacks on us shows that he's doing this to protect the big businesses that inhibit downtown areas. Oh, no! A Target was looted! Aaaaaaannnnnnnd how much money are WE THE TAXPAYERS giving to big corporations like Amazon and the oil companies?

And let's not get started on his photo-ops of him holding a Bible that he doesn't own at a church that he doesn't even attend. There were protesters and his crew had the cops tear gassed them out of the way. The fact that yesterday, he and Malaria visited a Catholic Church shows how pathetic he really is. Simply put, he's pandering to the people he simply hates. But, they got him in the White House in 2016.

It's funny that Drumpf played into the late 2000s bullshit that Obama was a Muslim from Africa. Yet, unlike Drumpf, Obama is a devout Christian. Now,  I hear the cries of those who blast him because his former pastor was the "God Damn America" guy. And who is Drumpf's pastor? He doesn't have one, but his religion advisor is a fucked up televangelist. 

Today, Drumpf's former Secretary of Defense, James "Mad Dog" Mattis compared the Orange Shitgibbon's response to the protests to the work of the Nazis. He also says that the so-called president is trying to divide the nation. Well, no shit!

Well, ladies and gents, there you go. Drumpf just brought back the past. He brought back a pandemic similar to the one we had in 1918, riots similar to the ones we had in 1967 and a financial crisis similar to the one we had in 1929. Just today, one of my favorite restaurant companies, Barfly Ventures which owns the Hopcat chain of brewpubs and Stella's Lounge here in Grand Rapids had to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. As it was, the company had to shutter one of their Detroit Hopcats. Sad, since I do love Hopcat's food, especially their crack-er, cosmic fries. If Drumpf wasn't so fucking ignorant towards COVID-19 and the racism destroying America, we wouldn't be where we are now. But, hey! The country's billionaires made major coin during the crisis!

Look, I'm no fan of organized religion. Hell, I just read that Joel Osteen marched with George Floyd's family in Houston. Yep! Nothing like a fake pastor using this tragedy to make his rich ass look good. Also, I don't like the fact that many churches simply do it for the money and hide their pedophilia. But, I gotta give religious leaders credit to tell people that what Drumpf did showed that he's the "Jesus loves me, but not you" type. But, Drumpf knows that the goons who voted for him in 2016 will do so again simply because he's a celebrity and nothing but.

Yes, Drumpf IS Making America Great Again... for the billionaires.


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