Thursday, June 4, 2020

6.4.20 Bee-otches of the Day: Democratic National Committee

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on



Name: Democratic National Committee
Age: 192
Occupation: the nation's supposed left wing
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: being the reason why Drumpf is president                                                              


There's an old saying that makes people think regarding choosing the next president of the United States.

That saying is "are you better off now than four years ago?"

Let's see: four years ago, we didn't have to deal with a pandemic. Unemployment was low and people were getting raises. And then came an orange-faced asshole who vowed to make America great again.

Needless to say, COVID-19, companies struggling to stay afloat and watching a black man get kneeled to death by a white police officer is not making America great at all. It's turning our country into a laughing stock globally. America now has around a 1/3 of the world's coronavirus cases and a 1/4 of its deaths. And when America was about to be set ablaze with COVID madness, Drumpf simply turned the other cheek in ignorance.

Today in Minneapolis, George Floyd's funeral was held. Hundreds of family members and celebrities turned out to pay their respects while thousands more packed outside to aid in the mourning. The service ended with 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence, the amount of time it took a racist Minneapolis cop to kneel on Floyd's neck, ultimately killing him.

The more I think about Drumpf, the more I long for the days of Obama. Granted, he wasn't perfect. Obamacare did force health insurers to cover those with pre-existing conditions. But, it didn't solve our nation's long-standing health crisis. Obama couldn't stop the Tea Party and their buyout of politicians who fought for lowering taxes for the wealthy. And, he couldn't stop the NRA and the fact that they were also buying politicians who were pro-gun. As a result, we had Sandy Hook and other school shootings under his aegis.

And let's not forget what happened in Flint all those years ago. Obama came to talk to locals with them hoping to throw now-ex-Gov. Snyder in jail for tainting their water. Instead, Obama pretended to sip some Flint water and proclaimed that it was fine. 

We all knew the outcome: Hillary Clinton lost Michigan by 10,000 votes. As a matter of fact, she lost the midwest while Drumpf was stumping through the region, telling factory workers that their jobs were safe under him. She lost in neighboring states as well and not by much, either.

I've said it too many times, over and over. Most of America are leftists. Maybe not totally far to the left, but they have some leftist values. However, since I was born, we've only had two Democrats as president and both were centralists. The rest were ignorant, pro-war, pro-gun, anti-middle class Rethugs, 

It was a tragic day when thanks to the superdelegates and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary got the Democratic Party nomination and not Bernie Sanders. People knew that Drumpf would win the presidency even if Hillary won by millions of votes. During the debates, Drumpf hammered her for supporting the Iraq War and other right-winged shit she supported over the years. 

The sad truth is that Hillary lost simply because true Democrats and leftists don't want a president who is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's like tuning a radio to a rock station and they're playing Maroon 5 or a hip-hop station spinning Johnny Rebel country records. It's alienating their audience, plain and simple. 

Americans want real healthcare and not having to pay out-of-pocket to a middle man. We also want a livable wage and a good-paying jobs. When I think of "Make America Great Again", I think about protecting the unions, protecting the middle class and forcing billionaires to pay higher taxes. It's sad that Jeff Bezos probably didn't set foot outside his $150 million Los Angeles mansion once when the pandemic was raging. Yet, his workers were risking life and limb getting Amazon packages sent out. Plus, it's embarrassing when you go to the bathroom and there's some idiot with a stopwatch timing your potty breaks. 

Granted, Hillary would have been a trillion times better than Drumpf as president. But, her mistakes cost her. She bowed to health insurance companies and other Republicans. It explains why disenfranchised lefties who didn't want to vote blue no matter who either didn't vote or voted third party or even Drumpf. Look at what we got. 

I know. If Joe Biden ran in 2016, he might have won big time since he was the vice president. But, he had to mourn the loss of his son. Thanks to the pandemic and ailing health, Bernie Sanders had to give up his run for president. With his track record with China and sexual assault allegations, plus the fact that he's helped to build prisons, it's sad to know that the only reason why people would vote for Joe this November is because he's not Drumpf.

Folks, there was a reason why FDR served four terms as president. He got us out of the Great Depression and he got us through World War II. He wanted to give us free healthcare, good-paying jobs and even a free house. Sadly, he died and all of his ideas were given to to other countries around the world. Why can't modern Dems be like him? Simple: it's because it's all about their money and their wealth. They claim they'll fix the world's problems until their wealthy buddies give them money to shut up.

Yes, Old Man Biden is a step up from Drumpf. Not to mention that polls have him in the lead over the Orange Shitgibbon. But, IS he the best alternative? Regretfully no. He's a step up, but in all honesty, I might not vote for him. But, if Biden becomes president, good. This country can't afford six more months of Drumpf, let alone an additional four years. 

As I've said over and over, the lesser of the two evils is still evil.


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