Wednesday, October 21, 2020

10.21.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Pat Robertson

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Pat Robertson
Age: 90
Occupation: senile televangelist
Last Seen: Hampton Roads, VA
Bee-otched For: 
losing it


Sometimes, I love to joke about The 700 Club.

Maybe it's because 700 is the average age of the show's viewers. Maybe it's how many people watch the fucking show or how much money in cents each one of their viewers are worth. (In actuality, the origin of the show's name goes back to the 1960s when Pat Robertson bought an abandoned TV station in Portsmouth, VA. He started having money trouble, so he asked viewers to donate $10 per month. Some 700 viewers did so, hence the name.)

Yesterday, the senile asshole decided to tell his followers that God has already told him that Drumpf will win the 2020 election and that the end times are near. 

However, this is NOT the first time Robertson has told the world that the end is near. In the past, he's warned that the end would come in 1982 and 2007. Well, we're still here. 

Yes, this is the same Robertson that has prayed for hurricanes to rip through Orlando because Disney World has "Gay Days". Not to mention that he's the same wacko who had Jerry Falwell come on his show just after 9/11 to proclaim that gays, liberals and women were all at fault for the events that happened that day.

Folks, we have to realize who keeps this lunatic on the air, and it's white trash. I used to know a family who lived in a trailer and had another trailer in their backyard with its roof caved in. They were some of the nastiest people in the world. One of the tips of the iceberg was when I saw an envelope on their kitchen table from The 700 Club. Not only that, they went to a scary-ass church where people spoke in tongues. OK, so you can't fucking afford to get your goddamned trailer from your backyard, but you give to an old asshole who's worth **at least** $100 million? 

Look, the prosperity gospel is a scam and if you want to know the people who give to Pat Robertson and so on, just drive by some old trailers. There's not many people who live in them who are intelligent people. All Robertson has to do is hold a Bible, scream out some verses and it's a quick buck for him. 

At 90, all I can hope for is that his end times will be soon. If so, God has a lot to say to him.


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