Wednesday, October 28, 2020

10.28.20 Bee-otches of the Day: anti-maskers

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: various
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: 
not ending COVID-19


Well, we all thought that this COVID-19 bullshit would be done by now.

Here in Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer shut down all nonessential businesses and things were looking up. But then, slowly, but surely, restaurants, malls, cinemas and so on were told that it was OK to reopen, right on time for summer. Even more, I saw a ton of license plates from other states. To some of those folks, COVID-shmovid.

Now, schools are reopened and already, there have been multiple cases of COVID-19 among students and teachers. Some of them have sadly died of the disease. 

Here in west Michigan, Montcalm County parapro Michelle McCracken died of the disease last month at just 53. Once again on Thursday, 63-year-old Connie Williams also died from COVID-19. Some cry that having kids return to school is no big deal since they can't die from COVID-19. Tragically, their teachers, their principals and other school staffers can.

Yesterday, Drumpf came to Lansing for another superspreader event. And guess what? There were members of his little peanut gallery that had no masks. They don't care. They're probably the type that don't mind sneezing all over you and will give you a handshake right after wiping their ass. Safety and sanitary are two terms that aren't in their vocab. Just ask Justin Turner.

Just today, Michigan had 3,271 new cases of COVID. America had nearly 60,000. Just weeks ago, the amount of COVID cases in Michigan was only around a few hundred per day. It wouldn't shock me that letting our kids back in school helped to amplify that number. "Oh, but kids need to be in class!" Just say that to the families of McCracken, Williams or any educator that died from the disease.

Folks, because of all this, I would not be surprised if another shutdown is on the way. Hell, if Biden is elected, I hope to God he'll tell ALL states to shutter until the pandemic ends. Fuck the economy. Our health is way more important. We need to listen to science, not bullshit. 

Need a reminder? Watch a 1940s Warner Bros. Looney Tune sometime. A lot of them ask the question, "Is This Trip Really Necessary?"


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