Tuesday, October 27, 2020

10.27.20 Bee-otches of the Day: BOTH Republican and Democratic parties

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on Chuck69.com.


Name: BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties
Age: 192, 166
Occupation: the two-party system in America
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: 
giving us Coney


Recently, I've been getting a kick out of the 2006 Mike Judge sci-fi comedy "Idiocracy".

In the movie, Luke Wilson plays a military librarian who is frozen and wakes up in 2505. Feeling weird, he goes to St. God's Memorial Hospital, but realizes that he's in the future. He skips out on paying his bill, and eventually gets busted for it. 

Wilson's character ends up in court, which is presided by a redneck judge (played by Stephen Root, aka "Bill Dauterive" from King of the Hill). Anywho, both the people's lawyer and his personal lawyer bash him in court. He tries to prove himself, but both the court and the audience mock him. He's found guilty and hauled away to prison. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it sounds like our new Supreme Court. Do you like the 1980-81 season of Saturday Night Live? Good for you, because they replaced Gilda Radner with Ann Risley.

Effective last night, it was made official: Amy Coney Barrett was made associate justice of the Supreme Court. Her confirmation was akin to the end of a WWE match where the referee does a fast tap out so the villain could win. This was most-definitely the dream of the Republican Party, who would not allow former President Obama to replace Antonin Scalia with the more-liberal Merrick Garland on the high court. Sadly, with the senate still loaded with Rethugs, our Supreme Court is now loaded with six righties and three on the left.

The installation of Cunty on the SC is a severe insult on the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who passed away just five weeks ago. RBG requested that her seat not be filled until after the election. And sadly, Drumpf pissed on her request and put in a fucking cunt who is a total 180 on Ginsberg's legacy of being a fighter for women and the middle class. 

All this time, I kept thinking to myself about why I think this came to be. In 2016, Democrats wanted somebody who actually had FDR as his spirit animal: Bernie Sanders. But, the establishment had other plans, and Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee. Feeling duped, many ended up not voting for president or voting third party. All Hillary did was air a ton of attack ads on Drumpf bashing immigrants and the reporter with an intellectual disability, plus the infamous "grab 'em by the pussy" quip. Well, we all know what happened.

Hillary thought she had it all in 2016. America was strong under Obama and most of us didn't want to go back to the bad 'ol days of tax cuts for the wealthy and the great recession of 2008. With must-win states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio going to Drumpf, Hillary proved that even by winning the popular vote, she still had her ass handed to her by the Electoral College. 

But let's remember something: it wasn't the first time the Dems were very comfortable in regards to a presidential election. And my definition of "comfortable" is in regard to any person with a (D) after their name. The 2000 presidential election should have been the first election I voted in. But, I chose not to. Why? Because I hated Dubya and I hated the fact that Al Gore's running mate, Joe Lieberman was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Instead of improving human life, all Joe wanted to do was get Howard Stern off the air. So, I decided to not vote. As it was, Gore won the popular vote by 543,889. And we all knew what Dubya did: ignorance regarding 9/11 and all the fake wars he started with Dick Cheney over oil.

It seems that it's been the rule of the Democratic Party for years: elect a guy who is a leftist, and after he's term limited, his replacement isn't as to the left as their successor is. But, hey, as long as their mantra is "vote blue, no matter who!", they think that ALL Dems have the same core values. 

Sadly, folks, there's Democrats who are pro-fetus (and I'm not saying "pro-life" because once one is born, they're on their own). There's some who are pro-gun and against improving healthcare. The aforementioned Joe Lieberman is a shining example.

I understand. If Hillary WAS our president, RBG would be replaced with somebody with the same values she had instead of being replaced with a Karen. She would have handled the pandemic in a more-positive light and so on. But instead, we're stuck with a big orange douche for about three more months. 

But, guess what? I already voted. Straight ticket Democrat, too. Sorry, but I can't handle four more years of living in neutral or worse. In the other races in my area, I don't want a billionaire's son running Congress and I also don't want an Uncle Tom in the Senate. 

Today, Biden spoke in Warm Springs, GA, where FDR was treated for polio. He chose to quote one of his speeches in hopes of helping to do something Hillary couldn't do in 2016: unify the Democrats. Georgia has not voted for a Democratic president since 1992, so only time will tell. 

But at the end of the day, I hope we don't get fooled again.


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on http://beeotchoftheday.blogspot.com

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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