Thursday, January 10, 2019

1.10.19 Bee-otch of the Day: "Angela B."

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: "Angela B."
Age: ??
Occupation: ??
Last Seen: ??
Bee-otched For: being a cunt

For the past few years, I've been making occasional videos showcasing malls like the one above.

Last summer, I was in Traverse City and decided to shoot two videos. One was of Grand Traverse Mall and the other was of Cherryland, seen above.

Well, the response to the videos have been positive, but last week, one woman named "Angela B." decided to write this comment:

"Was going to give you a thumbs up until you called the Republicans a**sholes. That really wasn't necessary."

Now, I made that comment because Cherryland is the home of the local Republican Party headquarters. And yes, I hate the Republican party.

Personally, I don't know who this "Angela B." is. That's her name on YouTube and she doesn't have any videos up. But, guess what? I have a license to hate the Repukes with a passion. I was born in the age of Reaganomics and by the time it was time for me to have a grownup job, I was fucked. Severely. I graduated high school with honors and went to a small vocational school here in Michigan. When I graduated in 2001, nobody wanted to hire me. I had to go back to my high school job washing dishes. When they decided to hire an older man to do my job, they knocked me down to two days per week. I ended up having to work at a convenience store stocking shelves. Meanwhile, my asshole drunk racist Polack REPUBLICAN stepdad was pressuring me to get my own place, even though my c-store had been sold and my new boss knocked my hours down. I had to wait a year before I found a real job and even that sucked. For ten years, my asshole drunk Hollander Jebus freak REPUBLICAN boss didn't give me a raise while he was buying $50,000 trucks and going on vacations every other month. Thankfully, he retired in 2012, but when he did, I was paying off four credit cards per month.

In my life, we've only had two Democrats as president vs. four Republicans. The only times I've seen growth in this country was when Clinton and Obama were president. Now with the Orange Shitgibbon as president, my 401(K) has shrunk and he wants to build a useless wall on the basis of racism against Mexicans. I loved the fact that when his speech pleading for support of the wall was being aired on the CBC in Canada, they were quick to provide facts that Drumpf is wrong all along.

You know, I love northern Michigan. But, a lot of the people are indeed assholes. I'll betcha this "Angela B." cunt lives up north and does so because she had to get away from the blacks in Detroit. Sadly, that's a huge reason why people love northern Michigan. But when I was a kid, there wasn't much to do. Why? The Repukes were more about giving kids curfews and more laws rather than giving us places to hang out and do things. It's because of the Repukes that I ended up here in Grand Rapids. True, the Devoses pretty much own the town, but at least there's plenty to do.

So, will I censor my thoughts? FUCK NO. If you don't like me, fine. Think about it this way, too: when Cherryland went from being a mall to being an outdoor strip, business started to improve. But guess what happened not long after the economic collapse of 2008? IT WENT INTO FORECLOSURE! It lost Tom's Food Market (though it was replaced with a Big Lots) and it only got even worse since with the loss of Sears, Kmart and Younkers. The fact that it's now owned by the same slumlord who allowed a few skyscrapers in Flint to crumble doesn't help matters, either.

Oh and by the way, if you want to censor the word "asshole", try "a**hole". "Asshole" doesn't have eight letters.


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

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