Monday, January 14, 2019

1.14.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Joe Lieberman

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Joe Lieberman
Age: 76
Occupation: retired asshole
Last Seen: ??
Bee-otched For: not being down with AOC

Some Democrats will never learn.

Even though Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the presidential election in 2000 and 2016 respectively, they lost because they didn't get the right support.

Of course, Hillary lost in part because of how her fellow Dems treated Bernie Sanders. They didn't like him being a man for the American people while Hillary would do the same until somebody gave her a few bucks.

But now, the reason in part why Al Gore lost the 2000 election is blasting the future of the party. Joe Lieberman, Gore's running mate is blasting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for being too far to the left. In an interview on Fox Business Network, Lieberman claimed that "if you look at the majority of new Democrats in the house, they tend to be, I say, center-left, if they are not left-left. And that is because they had to be center-left to win some of those competitive swing districts that they took from Republicans. So that’s the hope."

AOC responded by a Tweet that read that Lieberman is now the "second fallen GOP vice presidential candidate" who has attacked her. Although he was a Democrat, Lieberman was noted for his ultra-right-wing views. As a matter of fact, he was even a noted member of the Parents Television Council, a group of assholes who have nothing better to do but tell us what not to watch on TV. Other members of the PTC include the late Steve Allen, movie critic-turned-right-winged asshole talk show host Michael Medved, former Kansas governor and senator Sam Brownback and The Beaver, Jerry Mathers. Lieberman also was known for his attacks on Howard Stern, even handing him his so-called "Golden Sewer Award".

You know, most of America is progressive. Most Americans want free healthcare, affordable housing, affordable schools and less crime. Sadly, Al Gore shot himself in the ass super cereal when he picked Lieberman as his running mate. End result: the melee with chads in Florida and the fact that Dubya won that election even though he lost by 500,000 votes.

Sorry, folks, but it's people like Joe Lieberman that are the reason why the Democrats are getting their sorry asses kicked. People WANT a real president who can solve problems. This is why if the Dems fuck over another progressive in 2020, SURPRISE! Four more years of Drumpf.

Maybe Lieberman is getting dementia.


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