Thursday, January 31, 2019

1.31.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Mother Nature


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Mother Nature
Age: ageless
Occupation: the environment, basically
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: causing havoc to my car, and everyone else's

Like the old Chiffon Margarine commercial said, "it's not nice to fool Mother Nature."

Well, Mother Nature sure has been a bitch as of late.

I live in an apartment, so I'm thankful that I don't need to shovel or run a snowblower. But my car on the other hand is another story.

On Tuesday, right in front of my workplace, my car's brake line failed, causing me to press the brake pedal all the way to the floor. The good news is that the Tuffy on 28th Street near Eastern was right around the corner. The bad news? It was $557 to replace the damn thing. I told my father about it and he agreed that those cocksuckers raped me with a sandpaper condom. Granted, it was an emergency and I already ran through a red light because of the lack of brakes. But at least my car's safe to drive now.

Well, this morning, I was driving to work, once again in -5-degree coldness. I was following a car that was going 15 MPH and a bunch of trucks and SUVs when I approached the street where my work was. The dumbass and all those 4X4s all turned at the same time, causing me to lose momentum climbing the small hill. Well, my car got stuck in the ice in the middle of the damn road. So, I had to rock the car around to free it. My car has traction control and by the time I FINALLY made it up that hill, the traction control was off and I couldn't turn it back on. I was fearing another trip to the repair shop. Well, thankfully, after work, the traction control was back on. Turns out that I might have overheated it trying to get up the icy hill.

The worst part of this weather nastiness was following assholes who should not be driving in this weather. Yes, those who drive a little too fast and crash into a ditch or those who drive worse than a 90-year-old grandfather with end-stage Alzheimer's.

The good news is that by later Friday, the negative temps will be a memory for at least a small while. It will rain on Monday with a high of 46 or so. However, yes, it will be cold again by the end of the week. Just not as bad as this week.

Me and my poor car will be breathing a sigh of relief.


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

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