Monday, January 21, 2019

1.21.19 Bee-otches of the Day: those punk-ass little bastards who mocked just about everybody on Capitol Hill

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Names: various
Ages: teens
Occupations: burger flippers
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: being disrespectful

I fondly remember a few years ago when Obama's Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned that having a black man in the White House would equate to a rise in bigotry in America.

And sadly, she was right. Even worse, this time, the racism came from some young punks from Kentucky.

The world is outraged over the video of middle school kids all wearing Make America Great Again hats mocking a Native American as he banged on a drum on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. That man, Nathan Phillips was a Vietnam veteran and a businessman. According to onlookers, the boys were mocking black Muslims when Phillips got between the kids and the Muslims. As a result, the kids were repeating Phillips' chants while young Nick Sandmann stood directly in front of Phillips, being in his way.

The teens were all from Covington Catholic High School in Covington, Kentucky. They were in DC to partake in the Right to Life March this past weekend. Both the school and Covington's mayor condemned the boys mocking of the tribal elder.

You know, when I was in 5th grade, we took a field trip to Lansing. I remembered our bus driving past a man who appeared physically disabled and was walking funny. Several kids on the bus started to laugh at the man while a teacher started to yell at the kids. She asked something like, "how would you like it if you had to walk like that and people laughed at you?"

Here's a better question: where were the adults in this situation? Where were they when the little heathens started to mock that tribal leader and one of the kids threatened to cut that one person's guts out? I think those punks should never be allowed to go to DC ever again.

It's funny how these bastards come to DC to promote pro-life causes and they only proved how people who are pro-life really are. It's like my cousin who dumped his cancer-stricken mother onto a mattress on his apartment floor when he yanked her out of her nursing home without her meds. She had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. She died shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, he's Catholic and has used part of her inheritance to fly to Jerusalem because he's such as Jebus freak. Ugh.

The good news is that the kids are facing expulsion and the diocese has apologized to Phillips. Sadly, all this had to happen just days before Martin Luther King Day today. If Dr. King were alive today, he would denounce the actions of those bastards. Sadly, it's proof that 50 years after his passing, Americans are still racist jerks.

The MAGA hat: like a KKK outfit, but more readily available. 


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