Tuesday, September 29, 2020

9.29.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Bill Maher

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on Chuck69.com.


Name: Bill Maher
Age: 64
Occupation: comedian
Last Seen: Los Angeles, CA
Bee-otched For: 
playing the blame game


Hey, everybody! I have HBO!

I'll admit, I don't watch EVERYTHING they have to offer. but on Fridays at 10 p.m., I do watch Real Time With Bill Maher. Yes, he's funny and he has plenty of insightful guests. Hell, he even had Bernie Sanders on this past Friday night! 

The main highlight of his show is without a doubt, New Rules where he proclaims that things have gotta change. It usually starts with some short jokes and it ends with a rambling commentary. Some of his commentaries are wonderful. Sadly, however, he missed the mark BIG TIME on Friday.

In his commentary regarding Drumpf picking out a Ruth Bader Ginsberg's replacement on the Supreme Court, Maher decided to bitch at the people whom he claimed helped to get Drumpf into the White House. And those people were none other than those who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Now, I've said it a trillion times before. Hillary Clinton WON the 2016 election, but Drumpf got in thanks to an antiquated system called the Electoral College. Here in Michigan, she lost by just 10,000 votes. Why? Because she ignored our state while campaigning while Drumpf was pledging to auto workers that he'll keep things running. Hell, he even campaigned in northern Michigan! Drumpf visiting Cadillac was probably the biggest day in the city's history since the infamous day when KISS performed in the city of 10,000 in 1975. 

We all know. The Democratic National Committee fucked over Bernie and Hillary was given carte blanche. Hardcore Dems were pissed and some decided not to vote while others went for third party candidates like Jill Stein. We all know the end result: Drumpf won by default and we paid the price. 

But, is it fair for Maher to shame those who didn't vote for Hillary for what happened?

Look, there's a big reason for Drumpf winning the 2016 election and it's because his fanbase was more rabid. He told his puppets that he would do something while president. Hillary, however, simply ran campaign ads attacking Drumpf showcasing his attacks on women and people with disabilities. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR HILLARY WERE THOSE WHO DIDN'T WANT DRUMPF FOR PRESIDENT, END OF STORY. 

I know, if Hillary WAS president, she would definitely handle shit better. We wouldn't have 200,000 Americans dying from COVID-19. She would make wearing masks and closing down businesses a FEDERAL mandate. Look at Florida: nearly 2,000 new cases of COVID-19 daily and that state's lifting restrictions. Thanks to Drumpf, we're the laughingstock of the world. But sadly, she got the Democratic party nominee ON LIES. America wanted Bernie to amplify what Obama did to the next level. But sadly, the DNC is all about what their donors want and not their supporters.

The reality that Maher needs to understand is that we can't go back into the past and change anything. All we can do is make the future better. Biden was chosen simply because it wasn't safe to vote in person and he had already outpaced Bernie with delegates. Right now, Biden is ahead of Drumpf in most polls. The Dems need to work on improving healthcare, education, jobs, the environment and too much more. At least Biden and Kamala Harris are good listeners instead of Drumpf, who pretty much listens to everything fake televangelists say. 

Bill Maher needs to know that he, too, can't fix his past. In reality, he's not a real liberal, he's a Libertarian. He's anti-vaxxing and he foolishly called himself the n-word on his show. Remember? Yet, he's forgivable because there's not many leftists who tell it like it is on TV. If you're further left than Maher is, you're toast. Just ask the likes of Ed Schultz and Darren Gibson.

For someone who calls his show "Real Time", Bill Maher needs to learn about "Real Life".


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day Archives can be seen on http://beeotchoftheday.blogspot.com

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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