Wednesday, September 30, 2020

9.30.20 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 74
Occupation: moron
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: not shutting up


Over 20 years ago, the executive producer of The Jerry Springer Show decided to spice things up.

Richard "Satchmo" Dominick brought in a soundboard to put at his desk at the side of the stage of the show. Every time a fight between trash-er, guests occurred, he'd ring the bell and the fight would begin. 

Boy, would he be a great producer of last night's debate (and I wonder what happened to him, anyway?). I would love to see Biden beat the shit out of Drumpf, long and hard.

Last night proved one thing and one thing only: Drumpf is a rude-ass mofo. Every time Biden stated his peace, he interrupted, spewing out untrue shit. Things got so heated between Drumpf and Biden that Biden finally proclaimed "shut up, man!" because Drumpf loves to hear himself talk. 

The debate's reaction has been mixed because of the two's on-stage arguing. There's even talk about major changes in store for the next debate, which might include shutting off one's mic. I would imagine that if worse comes to worse, they might as well take Drumpf and tie him up to a chair. One of my Facebook friends, Southpaws host Darren Gibson even proclaimed that at the next debate, they should put both Drumpf and Biden in isolation booths like the 1970s Alex Trebek game show Double Dare

Speaking of Facebook, one of my cousins wrote, "If one of my kids acted like Trump is acting in this debate they’d be sent to their room.  The leader of the free world is nothing more than a big orange petulant 4 year old." Another one of my cousins wrote, "Tonight’s winner: Chris Wallace
Tonight’s loser: America." But leave it up to his mother, my aunt, to hand out the best quote: "I want Bernie."

Yes, I still want Bernie. But once again, he got screwed over by the establishment. If he and Drumpf were on that same stage in Cleveland, Bernie would have owned Drumpf's ass vs. trying to kiss it some of the time. Hell, Biden proclaimed that he liked Amy Cunty. WHAT?!? He must be that senile, then.

In all, it's an embarrassment that we're in a pandemic and this is what we get. Yes, I'm not Biden's biggest fan, but he's our only hope. At least he'll listen and even change. 

Drumpf: someone who thinks he's important, even when he's wrong.


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