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Bee-otched For: not feeling the Bern
Ages: various
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Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: not feeling the Bern
In a perfect world, you might be in front, but the world will want to destroy you.
Nationwide, Bernie Sanders has enjoyed double digit leads in the polls. But on Tuesday, his competition wanted a piece of him.
At times, the Democratic Debate got ugly with the candidates talking over each other. If a bell rang, it would have been just like Jerry Springer with punches and chairs flying.
Right now, Sanders is in second place in the polls in South Carolina, whose primary is on Saturday. Some blame his stance on guns for his standing in a state that's very pro-gun and was the setting for a mass church shooting five years ago.
But in Bernie's case, the South won't rise again.
Bear in mind too that Super Tuesday is a few days later. Hopefully, it'll mean a huge lead for Bernie and some candidates will drop out, like Tulsi "Present" Gabbard.
Sadly, there's the superdelegates who claim that they will fight against Bernie being the Democratic nominee for president. A few days ago, my Republican friends on Facebook were all crying that Bernie claimed that he would force the middle class into paying 52% in taxes. You know that the Russians are once again feeding shit onto Facebook to make Drumpf look good, right?
Truth be told, if Bernie wins the Democratic nomination like he did in 2016, but gets fucked over again because of corporate Dems who are our friend until they accept bribes, it's another four years of Drumpf. Look at the Coronavirus situation. Drumpf put his asshole VP in charge, who also caused HIV cases to rise in Indiana because he fucked over needle sharing programs. Look at the latest mass shooting in Milwaukee at the MillerCoors plant. I'll betcha that the shooter had mental health issues. But they won't be addressed because too many people don't have access to a decent health system.
But, hey! 1,300 people bitched to the FCC about J.Lo and Shakira's Super Bowl Halftime Show. Wanna bet that they will slap CBS with a fine instead of the rest of the government protecting innocent people from guns? Remember, the government did a witch hunt over Janet Jackon's boob but did nothing after Sandy Hook.
The point is that it's been three years since Drumpf became POTUS and now, we're getting fucked. Just today, the Dow had its biggest one-day drop, EVER. Our economy is getting to be as bad as it was in 2008 and it's gonna get worse if shit doesn't get done.
Since I was born, we've had four Repukes and only two Dems as president. Yes, Clinton boosted the economy, but also fucked over the broadcast industry and did nothing for healthcare. Obama was better, but he was a centralist at best. Obamacare was an improvement for healthcare, but there's still too many without real healthcare.
The media - especially NBC - seems to make it sound like Bernie needs to lean a little more to the right to get into the White House. I disagree and so does Bernie. Besides, what hurts the Dems the most is when they act too conservative. I look back to 2000, the first presidential election I could have voted for. I hated Bush and even though Gore was better, I was pissed that he chose Lieberman as his running mate. Same problem in 2016: Drumpf won in part to him exposing Hillary as somebody who helped to get us into Dubya's fake wars. He pretended to be the good guy, but let's face it: his supporters aren't all that smart.
And speaking of NBC, ever notice that when he's on the Nightly News during his rallies that he sounds muffled? Rumor has it that they're intentionally trying to make him sound like the teacher from the Charlie Brown TV specials simply because Sanders is against big media and, well, NBC is owned by an evil cable company. Want proof? Listen to last week's Southpaws.
Back to the 52% remark: this year, I paid $500 more in taxes than I did the year before. That money's going to Drumpf's golf trips. If I pay more in taxes, I would want it to help me in case I need to go to the hospital. I would want it to help a poor person go to college. Hell, I would want it to go to the troubled kid who needs mental help before he shoots up a school. We need change, and it's not gonna happen at the links of Mar-A-Lago.
And if the DNC's not gonna give us what we want, The world will be a dust bowl by 2024.
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Bee-otch of the Day is a production of, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!