Monday, October 15, 2018

10.15.18 Bee-otch of the Day: PJ Weber

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: PJ Weber
Age: ??
Occupation: evil magician
Last Seen: Grand Rapids, MI
Bee-otched For: threatening me and my family


OK, so I haven't done many BOTDs for several weeks. Getting a new car and my mom moving to Grand Rapids will do that.

Last Wednesday, I spent the whole day walking in driving rain moving in my mom into her new apartment with little help. I was walking through deep, slippery mud carrying in couches, beds and heavy-ass items. After the Penske truck was FINALLY emptied, I went home, showered and took a small nap.

While I was napping, my mom called me, asking me to take her and her friend to Denny's. So, I climbed into my car, picked them up and took them there. I found a parking spot in front of the building. However, my car's front end ran over a stone in front of the spot that apparently was also under the car next to us. I backed up, turned off the car and opened the door. As I was exiting the car, the occupant of the car to the left of me came to me, screaming like a banshee. He was claiming that when I opened my door, I hit his car, which had a wrap around it. So, we all got out - and bear in mind, it was STILL raining - and we saw no damage on his car. He was crying that my car was in his lane, blah, blah, blah, and my mom got into his face as well. He told her to kiss his ass and that was that. Mom told me let's go and that was the end, even though this douchebag was taking pictures of my car.

We escaped even more stressed out because of this prick and ended up at IHOP instead. We remembered his car wrap, and found his website. On the site, he claims that he played in front of presidents and even Mikhail Gorbachev. The funniest part of all was that he was a member of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians. REALLY?!?! After how he treated us?

Oh, I should tell you that the third person in our party just happens to be in the Army. That douchebag was crying that he was calling the cops. Well, I think in a town like Grand Rapids, the cops have more things to worry about than a scratch - if any - on a shitty little Kia and us three agreed. Since Wednesday, no cops have knocked on my door.

According to Weber's site, he charges a minimum of $200 a night. Well, if you're thinking about hiring him, I hope you can save that $200 and put it to good use somewhere else. The way he treated my mom and I was barbaric and the fact that he parked his little clown car in a handicapped spot with no stickers shows how big of a jerkoff his really is.

I hope that as a magician, he can disappear.



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