Thursday, June 20, 2019

6.20.19 Bee-otch of the Day: the media

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: the media
Age: ageless
Occupation: the supposed entertainers and informers of the world
Last Seen: everywhere
Bee-otched For: milking the truth

As Paul Harvey once said, "polls are the crack cocaine of politics".

I thought he said it because well, he was a Republican. But in 2016, Hillary was leading, but Drumpf won.

Now, many polls are indicating that in the Democratic race for the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden is in the lead. However, that's what the NBCs, the CNNs and other types of corporate media want you to think. The question really is that is the media once again trying to censor the ideas of Bernie Sanders?

Now, NBC is claiming that Biden is leading in Florida over Drumpf. Nice, but how did they do the polls? I hear it's mostly landlines, which means that old people mostly participated. Hell, I haven't had a landline in years! The only person I know who has one is my father and he's 67.

It would not shock me if the media is doctoring these polls to create the illusion that Americans choose Biden, a corporate Democrat vs. the independent Bernie, who believes that we need to be on par with other civilised countries regarding health care, education, employee pay and environmental issues. Biden? Well, it's been revealed that he worked with segregationist senators and didn't even regret it.

OK, so Biden would be a better and more professional president than the idiot running this country right now. He would be pretty much Obama's third term. Hell, if his son Beau didn't die during the beginning of the 2016 presidential run, he would have ran for president and be a de facto winner over Drumpf.

The point is, is that the people wanted Bernie, but get Hillary instead all because it was good for ratings. In the end, Drumpf won and the media won. True, we can laugh at him being lampooned on SNL and every late night talk show, but the sad truth is that we cannot afford another four years of him. It's sad that we've allowed big, giant corporations like Comcast and AT&T to take over our once, proud media and turn it into a milquetoast mess that's hard to digest.

But if Drumpf wins in 2020, don't look at me, I won't vote for him. And if Bernie's not nominated, ditto for that person, too.


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