Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10.5.10 Bee-otch of the Day: Joe Miller

Name: Joe Miller
Age: 43
Occupation: Republican nominee for US senator
Last Seen: Alaska

Bee-otched For: wanting to eliminate the minimum wage and almost everything else

Oh, great. Hitler's running for U.S. Senate.
The great state of Alaska sure has its idiotic politicians, sure they? Whether it's Ted Stevens or Sarah Palin, Alaska has proven how out-of-touch they are with the rest of the country.

Now, meet Joe Miller.

Miller is an attorney from Fairbanks and is running for U.S. Senate. He made headlines recently when he defeated incumbent Lisa Murkowski in the August primary with 51% of the vote. He will run against Sitka mayor Scott McAdams and Murkowski, who is running as a write-in. However, Miller got major support from Palin and the rest of the Tea Party, catapulting his win. Apparently, the Tea Party spent some $600,000 on ads endorsing Miller and calling Murkowski - whose family has had a political grip on the state for years - "liberal".

The question is, just who did the people of Alaska vote for? A man who is pretty much to the right of Hitler, and somebody who wouldn't mind pushing FDR off a cliff in his wheelchair. According to Wikipedia, Miller wants to:

-eliminate the minimum wage,
-eliminate the Department of Education,
-reduce American foreign aid,
-repeal Obama's health plan,
-eliminate unemployment benefits,
-privatize Social Security,
-ban ALL abortions unless the woman's life is in danger,
-supports the death penalty,
-cut funding to the National Endowment of the Arts and the United Nations
-cut funding to anything he sees as "unconstitutional"

So, in other words, this idiot wants to return America pre-Great Depression when we didn't have a minimum wage and women didn't have many rights at all. Yep, another jerk-off who doesn't believe in the middle class and is practically telling people his age and younger "fuck you".

Ya know, I'm like many Americans. The last time I saw a wage increase, Bush was in his first term in office and Jennifer Granholm had just become our governor. However, I have it decent comparing to some of my cousins; one has two college degrees but can't get a job in Michigan with either, so now he's doing crime scene cleanup in Texas. Another is 26, unemployed and living with mommy. Part of the reason why is because we've allowed eight years of abuse from Bush and the fact that he gave tax cuts to the wealthy while the middle class working poor paid the price. End result: high unemployment, lack of production, and people losing their jobs and homes.

Folks, we don't need a failed politician like Sarah Palin or Joe Miller to decide what's good for America.

What we need is not just jobs, but good, high-paying ones. If Miller has it his way - and several Repukes are behind him - we'll be going back to the days of $5 per day on the assembly line. I think we all need to end the Tea Party in their tracks in November and vote straight ticket Democrat.

Too bad Miller wasn't in the same plane Ted Stevens was. 


Got a Bee-otch to nominate? E-mail us @ chuck69dotcom@gmail.com. All suggestions (except for me) are welcome!

Bee-otch of the Day is a production of Chuck69.com, Grand Rapids' site for Stern, politics and more!


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