Thursday, February 21, 2019

2.21.19 Bee-otches of the Day: Grand Traverse County commissioners


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Names: various
Ages: various
Occupations: county commissioners
Last Seen: Traverse City, MI
Bee-otched For: praying for disaster

Traverse City: love the area, but I can't stand some of the people.

In January, the county commission passed a resolution 4-3 that forces each meeting to begin with a prayer. The issue at hand has really opened up a can of worms since the commission has discussed Christianity as the main religion, though the commission could not force others not into Christianity into their religion.

One of the county commissioners who voted in favor of prayer, Rob Hentschel, is one of the owners of Roy's General Store in Traverse City. The store is famous for their witty sayings on their letterboard in front of the store like "Best chicken noodle soup this side of the flu" and "time is a wonderful healer, but a horrible beautician".

Sadly, some people - especially devout Christians - feel that prayer is important, especially in the government. However, they don't realize that America is a country where people are free to talk about religion, they don't mention in the Constitution WHICH ONE. Plus, our founding fathers weren't really Christian to begin with. They were deists, meaning that they believed in God, just not the Devil.

When I think of northern Michigan and Christianity, I think of the shitty non-denominational church I went to that begged for $1.7 million on one Sunday. Of course, my Dad and I left that place. And then, there's the asshole family I once knew that are a bunch of Drumpf supporters and love to spit on those who don't adhere to their views. The patriarch is a drunk and often verbally abused his late wife. When she was pregnant with her four kids, she drank and smoked like crazy. As a result, all four kids had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which really affected her daughter. The oldest son slept with a prostitute and gave his wife Scleroderma via Chlamydia. Scleroderma, BTW was the disease that killed Bob Saget's sister. The second-oldest son took his wife's money and invested it into a failed computer business and then cheated on her with the woman who became his third wife. He's on wife #4 and apparently, she has a son with Asperger's Syndrome that he teases and berates all the time.

Oh, and that douchebag was my former stepdad.

The sad truth is that people like those make Christianity look bad. And when they try to throw the idea of separation of church and state down the shitter, they totally forget that there are Christian nations around the world. These nations enslave their citizens and torture them. Of course, under Drumpf's aegis, the reality is now happening here in America.

But don't look at me. I don't vote Republican.


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