Monday, April 1, 2019

4.1.19 Bee-otch of the Day: Donald Trump

Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: Donald Trump
Age: 72
Occupation: slumlord
Last Seen: Washington, DC
Bee-otched For: turning Grand Rapids into a hellhole

With today being April Fools Day, I wish the whole idea with Drumpf being the de facto president didn't exist.

But sadly, he just had to come to my hometown on Thursday.

He landed at the airport named after a man who never won the popular vote and was still made president. He started his speech at Van Andel Arena s little after 7pm and lied his ass off in front of 10,000 or so lunatics, some of whom all dressed in white to look like KKK members. He did his little song and dance, promising that he'll fund the Great Lakes and restore funding to the Special Olympics.

Meanwhile, chaos ensued when Drumpf supporters walked by the Mel Trotter homeless shelter and humiliated their people. They were slut-shaming young mothers and their children and using racial slurs in front of them. Mentally ill folks were bullied and so on.

But right across the state in Detroit, the Pistons had their Pride Night. At halftime, a troupe of LGBTQ dancers strutted their stuff to their anthems like "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga and RuPaul's "Supermodel". To add insult to injury, the Pistons beat their opponent that night, the Orlando Magic. The Pistons are now 39-37 and sixth place in the Eastern division while the Magic is struggling to get above a .500.

Oh, and guess who owns the Magic? The Devos family, who spent millions of their fortune on trying to make gay marriage illegal. Let's not forget that their beloved in-law is none other than Betsy Devos herself.

A lot of people will cry that Grand Rapids is a better town than Detroit. When people think "Detroit", they think of dilapidated buildings and an onslaught of black people who want to kill the white man. Grand Rapids is more-lily-white than Detroit, but then again, a lot of it's because of its huge Dutch heritage. But sadly, many of those Dutch are also Republican, and in 2016, it explains why nearby Ottawa County was one of the biggest Drumpf strangleholds in the country. The sad truth is that the Dutch population has long spat in the faces of the poor and the homeless. It also explains why they also read from one form or another of the King James Bible instead of a more accurate translation of the Holy Word, like the NRSV Bible, which is less promoting of bigotry.

Maybe the best word had to come from this week's Letters section in the Traverse City Northern Express. Rev. Stephen B. Thompson really hit the nail on the head on who Jesus really was. I agreed with his letter 100%. If the Drumpfters really knew what he's really up to, they wouldn't have voted for him. Shame on those who thought it was OK to bash those who are less fortunate. If I was rich, I would definitely use some of my money to help them since at times during my years making an unlivable wage, I could have needed the help, too.

2020 sure can't come soon enough.

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