Wednesday, April 17, 2019

4.17.19 Bee-otches of the Day: the Republican party


Bee-otch of the Day honors are awarded Monday through Thursday; Bee-otch of the Week is awarded Sunday morning on


Name: various
Age: various
Occupation: county commissioners
Last Seen: Muskegon, MI
Bee-otched For: kicking Planned Parenthood to the curb 

It seems that every time Republicans take over the country, women get fucked over.

Tough anti-abortion bills are being signed left and right. One was signed last week in Ohio by that state's governor, Ralphie from "A Christmas Story".

Now, the Repukes are shooting their eyes out in Muskegon.

Yesterday, the county commissioners voted 6-2 to revoke the lease of Planned Parenthood from the county health department building. Their excuse was that the building did not have enough room for PP while people getting vaccinated had to do it in a temporary space.

PP now has 90 days to leave the health department building.

Hundreds of protesters and supporters converged and either showed their support or disgust for PP. Muskegon is one of the more left-leaning sections of west Michigan, so I wouldn't be too surprised if those fighting against PP were from nearby Ottawa County. Kinda like a Muslim telling a Christian not to buy bacon because it's made from pig parts.

Interestingly enough, the Muskegon PP does NOT do abortions. As a matter of fact, 97% of PP's business isn't even abortion-related. They help with health screenings, birth control and other functions. Muskegon has dealt with high crime and I think a huge part of the problem involves unexpected births and the lack of good sex ed programs and birth control.

I hope PP will be able to find a new spot soon in Muskegon and get back on their feet. People need programs like PP since Repukes want to kill it and make women think that if they're raped, it's their fault.

They want to stop abortion when there's a beating heart. Maybe we oughta kill the Repukes because they have no heart.


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